Man pages for hgm
Holonomic Gradient Method and Gradient Descent

hgm.c2wishartThe function hgm.p2wishart evaluates the cumulative...
hgm.cwishartThe function hgm.pwishart evaluates the cumulative...
hgm.ncorthantThe function hgm.ncorthant evaluates the orthant probability.
hgm.RhgmThe function hgm.Rhgm performs the holonomic gradient method...
hgm.Rhgm.demo1The function hgm.Rhgm.demo1 performs a demonstration of the... function hgm.ncBingham performs the holonomic gradient...
hgm.so3ncThe function hgm.ncso3 evaluates the normalization constant...
hgm documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 7:44 p.m.