mixlm_mstep: the M step function of the EM algorithm

View source: R/mstep-mix-lm.R

mixlm_mstepR Documentation

the M step function of the EM algorithm


The M step function of the EM algorithm for the mixture of Gaussian linear (Markov-switching) regressions as the emission distribution using the responses and covariates matrices and the estimated weight vectors


mixlm_mstep(x, wt1, wt2, resp.ind = 1)



the observation matrix including responses and covariates


the state probabilities matrix (number of observations times number of states)


the mixture components probabilities list (of length nstate) of matrices (number of observations times number of mixture components)


a vector of the column numbers of x which contain response variables. The default is 1, which means that the first column of x is the univariate response variable


list of emission (mixture of Gaussian linear regression models) parameters: (intercept, coefficients, csigma (conditional covariance) and mix.p)


Morteza Amini, morteza.amini@ut.ac.ir


Kim, C. J., Piger, J. and Startz, R. (2008). Estimation of Markov regime-switching regression models with endogenous switching. Journal of Econometrics, 143(2), 263-273.


J <- 3
initial <- c(1, 0, 0)
semi <- rep(FALSE, 3)
P <- matrix(c(0.5, 0.2, 0.3, 0.2, 0.5, 0.3, 0.1, 0.4, 0.5), nrow = J, 
byrow = TRUE)
par <- list(intercept = list(3, list(-10, -1), 14),
coefficient = list(-1, list(1, 5), -7),
csigma = list(1.2, list(2.3, 3.4), 1.1),
mix.p = list(1, c(0.4, 0.6), 1))
model <- hhsmmspec(init = initial, transition = P, parms.emis = par,
dens.emis = dmixlm, semi = semi)
train <- simulate(model, nsim = c(20, 30, 42, 50), seed = 1234, 
remission = rmixlm, covar = list(mean = 0, cov = 1))
clus = initial_cluster(train = train, nstate = 3, nmix = c(1, 2, 1),
ltr = FALSE, final.absorb = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, regress = TRUE)
initmodel = initialize_model(clus = clus ,mstep = mixlm_mstep,
dens.emission = dmixlm, sojourn = NULL, semi = rep(FALSE, 3),
M = max(train$N),verbose = TRUE)
fit1 = hhsmmfit(x = train, model = initmodel, mstep = mixlm_mstep,
M = max(train$N))
plot(train$x[, 1] ~ train$x[, 2], col = train$s, pch = 16, 
xlab = "x", ylab = "y")
fit1$model$parms.emission$coefficient[[1]], col = 1)
fit1$model$parms.emission$coefficient[[2]][[1]], col = 2)
fit1$model$parms.emission$coefficient[[2]][[2]], col = 2)
fit1$model$parms.emission$coefficient[[3]], col = 3)

hhsmm documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:34 p.m.

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