hier.part.data: Example Data for hier.part package

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Example data sets for hier.part package.





Seven catchment variables (fimp, catchment imperviousness^{0.25}; sconn, drainage connection^{0.5}; sdensep, septic tank density^{0.5}; unsealden, unsealed road density; fcarea, catchment area^{0.25}; selev, elevation^{0.5}; amgeast, longitude) and median baseflow concentrations of three water quality variables in sixteen streams draining 16 independent subcatchments (ldoc, log(dissolved organic carbon); lec, log(electrical conductivity); lnox, log(nitrate/nitrite). Data from Hatt et al. (2004).


Presence-absence data for a stream-dwelling amphipod (Austrogammarus australis) in 58 sites, with four catchment variables (fimp, imperviousness^{0.25};fconn, drainage connection^{0.25}; densep, density of septic tanks; unseal, unsealed road density). Data from Walsh et al. (2004).


Chi-squared (chisq) and R-squared (rsqu) for logistic and linear regression example from Chevan and Sutherland (1991).


Chris Walsh cwalsh@unimelb.edu.au


Chevan, A. and Sutherland, M. 1991 Hierarchical Partitioning. The American Statistician 45, 90–96.

Hatt, B. E., Fletcher, T. D., Walsh, C. J. and Taylor, S. L. 2004 The influence of urban density and drainage infrastructure on the concentrations and loads of pollutants in small streams. Environmental Management 34, 112–124.

Walsh, C. J., Papas, P. J., Crowther, D., Sim, P. T., and Yoo, J. 2004 Stormwater drainage pipes as a threat to a stream-dwelling amphipod of conservation significance, Austrogammarus australis, in southeastern Australia. Biodiversity and Conservation 13, 781–793.

hier.part documentation built on March 3, 2020, 9:07 a.m.