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This package contains R functions to calculate taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity and site similarity through Hill Numbers. The underlying methods are based on Chao, Chiu and Jost 2014 and Chiu & Chao 2014.


To install this package, run the following code:

# or install from Github
install.packages("hillR", repos = c('', ''))


dummy = FD::dummy
comm = dummy$abun
traits = dummy$trait
tree = ape::rtree(n = ncol(comm), tip.label = paste0("sp", 1:ncol(comm)))

Calculate taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity of each site

hill_taxa(comm, q = 0) # taxonomic alpha diversity
##  com1  com2  com3  com4  com5  com6  com7  com8  com9 com10 
##     4     3     3     2     3     5     3     4     5     4

hill_func(comm, traits, q = 0) # functional alpha diversity
##           com1      com2      com3      com4      com5       com6      com7
## Q    0.4214846 0.2848834 0.3254045 0.2620026 0.3984715  0.4427648 0.3228745
## FDis 0.3481687 0.1670560 0.2375808 0.1146261 0.3211366  0.3302330 0.2532751
## D_q  4.0000000 3.0000000 3.0000000 2.0000000 3.0000000  5.0000000 3.0000000
## MD_q 1.6859383 0.8546501 0.9762135 0.5240052 1.1954145  2.2138241 0.9686236
## FD_q 6.7437533 2.5639502 2.9286406 1.0480104 3.5862436 11.0691207 2.9058708
##           com8       com9     com10
## Q    0.4045563  0.4515567 0.4177331
## FDis 0.2877931  0.3421687 0.3503927
## D_q  4.0000000  5.0000000 4.0000000
## MD_q 1.6182251  2.2577835 1.6709326
## FD_q 6.4729004 11.2889174 6.6837303

hill_phylo(comm, tree, q = 0) # phylogenetic alpha diversity
##     com1     com2     com3     com4     com5     com6     com7     com8 
## 5.430079 4.684280 4.461773 2.551395 5.830078 6.088533 4.763594 6.046474 
##     com9    com10 
## 6.262164 5.080340

Calculate taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity across multiple sites

hill_taxa_parti(comm, q = 0) # taxonomic diversity across all sites
##   q TD_gamma TD_alpha  TD_beta M_homog local_similarity region_similarity
## 1 0        8      3.6 2.222222    0.45        0.8641975         0.3888889

hill_func_parti(comm, traits, q = 0) # functional diversity across all sites
##   q raoQ_gamma FD_gamma FD_alpha FD_beta local_similarity region_similarity
## 1 0  0.4529152 29.66099 14.15941 2.09479        0.9889415         0.4720957

hill_phylo_parti(comm, tree, q = 0) # phylogenetic diversity across all sites
##   q PD_gamma PD_alpha  PD_beta local_similarity region_similarity
## 1 0 8.292885 5.119871 1.619745        0.9311395          0.574868

Calculate pairwise taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity

# pairwise taxonomic diversity
hill_taxa_parti_pairwise(comm, q = 0, show_warning = FALSE, .progress = FALSE) 
## # A tibble: 45 × 8
##        q site1 site2 TD_gamma TD_alpha TD_beta local_similarity
##    <dbl> <chr> <chr>    <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>            <dbl>
##  1     0 com1  com2         6      3.5    1.71            0.286
##  2     0 com1  com3         5      3.5    1.43            0.571
##  3     0 com2  com3         5      3      1.67            0.333
##  4     0 com1  com4         5      3      1.67            0.333
##  5     0 com2  com4         5      2.5    2               0    
##  6     0 com3  com4         4      2.5    1.6             0.4  
##  7     0 com1  com5         6      3.5    1.71            0.286
##  8     0 com2  com5         4      3      1.33            0.667
##  9     0 com3  com5         6      3      2               0    
## 10     0 com4  com5         4      2.5    1.6             0.4  
## # ℹ 35 more rows
## # ℹ 1 more variable: region_similarity <dbl>
# pairwise functional diversity
hill_func_parti_pairwise(comm, traits, q = 0, show_warning = FALSE, .progress = FALSE) 
## # A tibble: 45 × 8
##        q site1 site2 FD_gamma FD_alpha FD_beta local_similarity
##    <dbl> <chr> <chr>    <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>            <dbl>
##  1     0 com1  com2     15.9     10.3     1.54            0.821
##  2     0 com1  com3     10.7      7.96    1.35            0.883
##  3     0 com2  com3     11.1      7.03    1.58            0.807
##  4     0 com1  com4     11.6      7.90    1.47            0.843
##  5     0 com2  com4     11.7      6.85    1.70            0.765
##  6     0 com3  com4      6.60     4.45    1.48            0.839
##  7     0 com1  com5     17.3     11.3     1.54            0.821
##  8     0 com2  com5      7.86     5.92    1.33            0.891
##  9     0 com3  com5     16.2      9.72    1.66            0.780
## 10     0 com4  com5      8.00     5.32    1.50            0.832
## # ℹ 35 more rows
## # ℹ 1 more variable: region_similarity <dbl>
# pairwise phylogenetic diversity
hill_phylo_parti_pairwise(comm, tree, q = 0, show_warning = FALSE, .progress = FALSE) 
## # A tibble: 45 × 8
##        q site1 site2 PD_gamma PD_alpha PD_beta local_similarity
##    <dbl> <chr> <chr>    <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>            <dbl>
##  1     0 com1  com2      6.79     5.06    1.34           0.657 
##  2     0 com1  com3      6.14     4.95    1.24           0.759 
##  3     0 com2  com3      6.75     4.57    1.48           0.523 
##  4     0 com1  com4      6.38     3.99    1.60           0.400 
##  5     0 com2  com4      7.13     3.62    1.97           0.0284
##  6     0 com3  com4      5.42     3.51    1.54           0.455 
##  7     0 com1  com5      7.04     5.63    1.25           0.750 
##  8     0 com2  com5      6.44     5.15    1.25           0.751 
##  9     0 com3  com5      7.71     5.15    1.50           0.502 
## 10     0 com4  com5      6.42     4.19    1.53           0.467 
## # ℹ 35 more rows
## # ℹ 1 more variable: region_similarity <dbl>


Licensed under the MIT license. (More information here.)


Please cite this package if you use it. The citation information can be obtained by running citation('hillR') in R.

Li, (2018). hillR: taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity and similarity through Hill Numbers. Journal of Open Source Software, 3(31), 1041.

    title = {hillR: taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity and similarity through Hill Numbers},
    author = {Daijiang Li},
    journal = {Journal of Open Source Software},
    year = {2018},
    volume = {3},
    number = {31},
    pages = {1041},
    url = {},



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hillR documentation built on Aug. 20, 2023, 1:08 a.m.