Man pages for historicalborrowlong
Longitudinal Bayesian Historical Borrowing Models

hbl_convergenceCheck convergence diagnostics
hbl_dataStandardize data
hbl_essEffective sample size (ESS)
hbl_mcmc_hierarchicalLongitudinal hierarchical MCMC
hbl_mcmc_independentLongitudinal independent MCMC
hbl_mcmc_poolLongitudinal pooled MCMC
hbl_mcmc_sgeRun all MCMCs on a Sun Grid Engine (SGE) cluster.
hbl_metricsLegacy function to compute superseded borrowing metrics
hbl_plot_borrowPlot the hierarchical model response against the benchmark...
hbl_plot_groupPlot the groups of the hierarchical model and its benchmark...
hbl_plot_tauPlot tau
hbl_sim_hierarchicalNon-longitudinal hierarchical simulations.
hbl_sim_independentLongitudinal independent simulations.
hbl_sim_poolLongitudinal pooled simulations.
hbl_s_tauSuperseded: suggest a value of s_tau
hbl_summaryModel summary
historicalborrowlong-packagehistoricalborrowlong: Bayesian longitudinal historical...
historicalborrowlong documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 9:40 a.m.