Man pages for hmclearn
Fit Statistical Models Using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo

coef.hmclearnExtract Model Coefficients
diagplotsDiagnostic plots for 'hmclearn'
diagplots.hmclearnDiagnostic plots for 'hmclearn'
DrugsStudent Drug Usage Dataset
EndometrialEndometrial Cancer Dataset
GdatCount of Fresh Gopher Tortoise Shells
hmcFit a generic model using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC)
hmc.fitFitter function for Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC)
hmclearn-glm-posteriorSample log posterior and gradient functions for select...
hmclearn-plotsPlotting for MCMC visualization and diagnostics provided by...
leapfrogLeapfrog Algorithm for Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
mhFit a generic model using Metropolis-Hastings (MH)
mh.fitFitter function for Metropolis-Hastings (MH)
neffEffective sample size calculation
neff.hmclearnEffective sample size calculation
plot.hmclearnPlot Histograms of the Posterior Distribution
predict.hmclearnModel Predictions for HMC or MH
psrfCalculates Potential Scale Reduction Factor (psrf), also...
psrf.hmclearnCalculates Potential Scale Reduction Factor (psrf), also...
qfunMultivariate Normal Density of Theta1 | Theta2
qpropSimulate from Multivariate Normal Density for Metropolis...
summary.hmclearnSummarizing HMC Model Fits
hmclearn documentation built on Oct. 23, 2020, 8:04 p.m.