Man pages for hmi
Hierarchical Multiple Imputation interval objects into data.frames
as.intervalFunction to transform objects into an interval object
ceiling.intervalCeiling funtion for intervals
center_intervalFunction to give the center of the interval
chaincheckChecking the chains on convergence
cleanupcleanup data.frames
contributions4intervalsget the likelihood contributions of interval data
decompose_intervaldecompose up intervals
doubleintegralFunction to calculate double integrals
exp.intervalExp function for interval objects
extract_varnamesFunction to extract the different elements of a formula
factorsFunction to get all factors
fixed_intercept_checkFunction to check multilevel models on the existence of fixed...
floor.intervalFloor function for interval objects Floor function for...
GcsemvExam results on the GCSE
generate_intervalFunction to generate an interval object
get_typeGet the type of variables.
head.intervalHead for intervals
hmihmi: Hierarchical Multilevel Imputation.
hmi_poolAverages the results of the imputation function 'hmi'.
idf2intervalTransform interval data frames into data.frames with interval...
imp_binary_multiThe function for hierarchical imputation of binary variables.
imp_binary_singleThe function for imputation of binary variables.
imp_cat_multiThe function for hierarchical imputation of categorical...
imp_cat_singleThe function to impute unordered categorical variables
imp_cont_multiThe function for hierarchical imputation of continuous...
imp_cont_singleThe function for imputation of continuous variables.
imp_count_multiThe function for hierarchical imputation of variables with...
imp_count_singleThe function for imputation of binary variables.
imp_intervalThe function to impute interval data variables
imp_orderedcat_multiThe function for hierarchical imputation of categorical...
imp_orderedcat_singleThe function to impute ordered categorical variables
imp_roundedcontThe function to impute rounded continuous variables
imp_semicont_multiThe function for hierarchical imputation of semicontinuous...
imp_semicont_singleThe function for hierarchical imputation of semicontinuous...
interval2idfTransform interval variables to an interval data frame
interval-addAdding function
interval-divideDividing function
interval-moduloModulo function
interval-multiplyMultiplication function
interval-powerPower function
interval-subtractSubtraction function
is_intervalFunction to check whether an object is an interval for interval objects
list_of_rounding_degrees_makerHelps the user to make a list of rounding degrees
list_of_rounding_formulas_makerHelps the user to make a list of rounding formulas for the...
list_of_spikes_makerHelps the user to make a list of spikes.
list_of_types_makerHelps the user to make a list of types.
log.intervalLog function for interval objects
ModeGet the mode
negloglikcalculate the likelihood contribution of the data
negloglik2_intervalsonlycalculate the likelihood contribution of interval data only
nhanes_impNational Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2015 -...
nhanes_modNational Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2015 -...
nhanes_subA subset of the National Health and Nutrition Examination...
pbivnormXcalculate probabilities from the cumulative distribution...
plot.intervalPlotting interval variables
random_intercept_checkFunction to check multilevel models on the existence of...
round.intervalRound function for interval objects
sample_impSample imputation.
samplerFunction need to multivariate samples of a truncated...
sna_intervalGet standard NAs from interval data
split_intervalSplit up intervals
sqrt.intervalSqrt function for interval objects
standStandardizing function
sub-.intervalIndex for interval
subset-.intervalReplace for interval
suggest_rounding_degreessuggesting rounding degrees
tableTabulating interval objects
tail.intervalTail for intervals
hmi documentation built on Oct. 23, 2020, 7:31 p.m.