Man pages for holdem
Texas Holdem Simulator

bid1Preflop bidding
bid2Postflop bidding
calcwin1Figure out who won the hand.
deal1Deals the cards.
flush1See if you have a flush
flushdraw1Sees if you have a flush draw.
four1Sees if you have 4 of a kind
full1See if you have a full house.
gravityA sample function that goes all in or folds
hand1Play a hand of Texas Hold'em
handevalEvaluates your hand.
holdem-packageSimulates Texas Hold'em hands and tournaments
many1function to run many Texas Hold'em tournaments.
mycount1counts the unique values in a vector
mygraphics1Graphically show a poker hand
nothing1indicates strength of your hand when you have nothing
onepair1See if you have a pair.
straight1See if you have a straight.
straightdraw1See if you have a straight draw.
strflsh1See if you have a straight flush.
switch2Finds the cards corresponding to numbers between 1 and 52.
timemachineA sample function that goes all in or folds
tommyA sample function that goes all in or folds
tourn1Run a Texas Hold'em tournament
trip1See if you have 3 of a kind.
twopair1See if you have two pairs.
ursulaA sample function that goes all in or folds
veraA sample function that goes all in or folds
williamA sample function that goes all in or folds
writebets1Write the bets on the plot
xenaA sample function that goes all in or folds
yosefA sample function that does not necessarily goes all in or...
zeldaA sample function that does not necessarily go all in or...
holdem documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:21 a.m.