Man pages for holland
Statistics for Holland's Theory of Vocational Choice

AIST_2005_F_1270RIASEC correlations - female AIST norm sample
AIST_2005_M_1226RIASEC correlations - female AIST norm sample
AIST_2019_F_2015RIASEC correlations - female AIST sample
AIST_2019_M_1661RIASEC correlations - male AIST sample
Circ_empRunning Mplus for empirical RIASEC angular locations
Circ_proRunning Mplus for empirical RIASEC and additional construct...
Circ_testRunning Mplus for testing empirical RIASEC angular locations
con_brown_c_hollandCongruence Index c according to Brown & Gore (1994)
con_compindex_hollandCompatibility Index according to Wiggins & Moody (1981)
con_hamming_hollandCongruence Index based on the Hamming distance
con_iachan_hollandCongruence Index according to Iachan (1984)
con_levenshtein_hollandCongruence Index based on the Levenshtein distance
con_n3_hollandCongruence Index according to Joerin Fux (2005)
con_oneletter_hollandCongruence Index according to Holland (1963)
con_threeletter_hollandCongruence Index according to Wolfe & Betz (1981)
con_twoletter_hollandCongruence Index according to Healy & Mourton (1983)
con_zs_hollandCongruence Index according to Zener & Schnuelle (1976)
degradians to degrees
dif_7_hollandSeven differentiation indices for Holland profiles
example1RIASEC correlations - perfect
example2RIASEC correlations - not so perfect
example3RIASEC and Big-Five correlations - perfect
example4RIASEC and Big-Five correlations - not so perfect
holland-packageStatistics for the Framework of Holland's Theory of...
kormeanTake the Mean of two Correlation Matrices
Mplus_eealExtracting empirical RIASEC angular locations from Mplus...
Mplus_epalExtracting RIASEC and additional construct angular locations...
Mplus_esynGenerating Mplus syntax for empirical RIASEC angular...
Mplus_fitReading some fit indices from Mplus output
Mplus_psynGenerating Mplus syntax for empirical RIASEC angular...
Mplus_tsynGenerating Mplus syntax for testing empirical RIASEC angular...
plot.empCircS3 plotting method for object of class '"empCirc"'
plot.proCircS3 plotting method for object of class '"proCirc"'
plot_profile_hollandPlot an interest profile in the Hexagon
raddegrees to radians
rot.degrotate degrees by amount in degrees
rot.radrotate radians by amount in radians
sco2letConvert Holland score profiles to Holland-letter-codes
sim_score_dataSimulation of multivariate score data
write_datwriting R matrix objects as .dat text files
holland documentation built on Sept. 5, 2021, 5:08 p.m.