prGetRowlabelPos: Gets the rowlabel position

View source: R/htmlTable_helpers_getRowlabelPos.R

prGetRowlabelPosR Documentation

Gets the rowlabel position


Gets the rowlabel position


prGetRowlabelPos(cgroup = NULL, pos.rowlabel, header = NULL)



A vector, matrix or list of character strings defining major column header. The default is to have none. These elements are also known as column spanners. If you want a column not to have a spanner then put that column as "". If you pass cgroup and n.crgroup as matrices you can have column spanners for several rows. See cgroup section below for details.


A vector of character strings specifying column header, defaulting to colnames(x)


integer Returns the position within the header rows to print the rowlabel argument

See Also

Other hidden helper functions for htmlTable: prAddCells(), prAddEmptySpacerCell(), prAddSemicolon2StrEnd(), prEscapeHtml(), prGetCgroupHeader(), prGetStyle(), prPrepInputMatrixDimensions(), prPrepareAlign(), prPrepareCgroup(), prTblNo()

htmlTable documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:48 p.m.