Man pages for htsr
Hydro-Meteorology Time-Series

d_backupBackup a data base
d_compactCompact a data base
d_convert_hubeauConvert Hubeau station files into a htsr sqlite base
d_convert_hydraccessConvert a full Hydraccess database into a new htsr sqlite...
d_convert_meteofrance_dConvert a Meteo-France csv daily basic data file into a htsr...
d_convert_meteofrance_hConvert a Meteo-France csv hourly basic data file into a htsr...
d_convert_weewxConvert a weewx data base into a htsr sqlite base
d_createCreate a data base
d_exp_discalibExport discharge measurements and calibrations from data base
d_imp_htsImport a hts file into a data base
d_rem_htsRemove hts records from a data base
ds_exp_htsExtraction of a time-series from htsr data base
ds_inventory_sensorInventory of a station sensors of an htsr data base
ds_inventory_stationInventory of the stations of an htsr data base
ds_sensorCreate, Modify or Remove a sensor
ds_stationCreate, Modify or Remove a station
d_tableCreate or remove a table of a htsr sqlite base
fcShort-cut for file.choose
f_change_idChange Station id or Sensor id in a hts file
f_convertConvert an hts file in another format (xls, xlsx or csv) and...
f_csv_multivarBuild a multivariable table file in csv format
f_month2dayInterpolation of daily records from a monthly time series
f_propertiesProperties of a hts series
h_addnaAdd NA values within a time series
h_adjustAdjust a time series to a statistical model
h_avdayDaily average over a sequence of several years
h_changetzChange the time zone of a time series
h_commonExtract 2 (or more) time-series on their common period
h_conditionConditional extraction of a time-series regarding another one
h_cumulCumul of time-series
h_gaperrReplace errors with gaps in a time-series based on...
h_gapfillSimple gapfilling in a time-series
h_gaprem_itvRemove gaps in a time-series with a time interval threshold
h_nodataReplace values with NA conditionally or in a time interval
h_rainsnowShare the solid and liquid precipitations with a temperature...
h_rbindBind 2 time-series on consecutive periods
h_replaceReplace a value by another
h_restrictRestrict a series between 2 dates
h_rollavRolling average of a daily time-series
h_seasonSeasonal selection
h_stat_basicBasic statistics of a time-series
hs_tstephts time series with fixed timestep
h_substituteSubtitute the missing values in a series by existing values...
htsr-packagehtsr: Hydro-Meteorology Time-Series
h_weightedsumWeighted sum of time-series
h_wl_diComputation of the discharges from water-levels
h_yearAnnual time series
p_box_monthBoxplot of the 12 months of a time-series.
p_climPlot climatologies in hydrological year
p_discalibPlot calibration curves water levels vs discharges
p_gapsPlot of data inventory
p_hypsoPlot the hypsometry curve of one or more basins
p_scatterScatter plot of 2 or more time-series
ps_plothtsPlot hts files
p_windPlot wind roses
u_indexCompute an index of community
u_timestepCompute values in a time-series with a fixed timestep
w_atmp_altCompute atmospheric pressure, function of altitude
w_etpCompute the potential evapotranspiration with several methods
w_spechum2relhumConvert specific humidity to relative humidity
w_temp_altCompute temperature, function of altitude
z_coordCoordinate utility
htsr documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:16 p.m.