redact: Remove sensitive content from HTTP responses

redact_cookiesR Documentation

Remove sensitive content from HTTP responses


When recording requests for use as test fixtures, you don't want to include secrets like authentication tokens and personal ids. These functions provide a means for redacting this kind of content, or anything you want, from responses that capture_requests() saves.



redact_headers(response, headers = c())

within_body_text(response, FUN)




An 'httr' response object to sanitize.


For redact_headers(), a character vector of header names to sanitize. Note that redact_headers() itself does not do redacting but returns a function that when called does the redacting.


For within_body_text(), a function that takes as its argument a character vector and returns a modified version of that. This function will be applied to the text of the response's "content".


redact_cookies() removes cookies from 'httr' response objects. redact_headers() lets you target selected request and response headers for redaction. redact_auth() is a convenience wrapper around them for a useful default redactor in capture_requests().

within_body_text() lets you manipulate the text of the response body and manages the parsing of the raw (binary) data in the 'response' object.


All redacting functions return a well-formed 'httr' response object.

See Also

vignette("redacting", package="httptest") for a detailed discussion of what these functions do and how to customize them. gsub_response() is another redactor.

httptest documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:46 a.m.