
Defines functions log_level wsconn_address getRNGState invokeCppCallback ipFamily decodeURIComponent decodeURI encodeURIComponent encodeURI base64encode setStaticPathOptions_ getStaticPathOptions_ removeStaticPaths_ setStaticPaths_ getStaticPaths_ stopServer_ makePipeServer makeTcpServer closeWS sendWSMessage

Documented in decodeURI decodeURIComponent encodeURI encodeURIComponent getRNGState ipFamily

# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

sendWSMessage <- function(conn, binary, message) {
    invisible(.Call('_httpuv_sendWSMessage', PACKAGE = 'httpuv', conn, binary, message))

closeWS <- function(conn, code, reason) {
    invisible(.Call('_httpuv_closeWS', PACKAGE = 'httpuv', conn, code, reason))

makeTcpServer <- function(host, port, onHeaders, onBodyData, onRequest, onWSOpen, onWSMessage, onWSClose, staticPaths, staticPathOptions, quiet) {
    .Call('_httpuv_makeTcpServer', PACKAGE = 'httpuv', host, port, onHeaders, onBodyData, onRequest, onWSOpen, onWSMessage, onWSClose, staticPaths, staticPathOptions, quiet)

makePipeServer <- function(name, mask, onHeaders, onBodyData, onRequest, onWSOpen, onWSMessage, onWSClose, staticPaths, staticPathOptions, quiet) {
    .Call('_httpuv_makePipeServer', PACKAGE = 'httpuv', name, mask, onHeaders, onBodyData, onRequest, onWSOpen, onWSMessage, onWSClose, staticPaths, staticPathOptions, quiet)

stopServer_ <- function(handle) {
    invisible(.Call('_httpuv_stopServer_', PACKAGE = 'httpuv', handle))

getStaticPaths_ <- function(handle) {
    .Call('_httpuv_getStaticPaths_', PACKAGE = 'httpuv', handle)

setStaticPaths_ <- function(handle, sp) {
    .Call('_httpuv_setStaticPaths_', PACKAGE = 'httpuv', handle, sp)

removeStaticPaths_ <- function(handle, paths) {
    .Call('_httpuv_removeStaticPaths_', PACKAGE = 'httpuv', handle, paths)

getStaticPathOptions_ <- function(handle) {
    .Call('_httpuv_getStaticPathOptions_', PACKAGE = 'httpuv', handle)

setStaticPathOptions_ <- function(handle, opts) {
    .Call('_httpuv_setStaticPathOptions_', PACKAGE = 'httpuv', handle, opts)

base64encode <- function(x) {
    .Call('_httpuv_base64encode', PACKAGE = 'httpuv', x)

#' URI encoding/decoding
#' Encodes/decodes strings using URI encoding/decoding in the same way that web
#' browsers do. The precise behaviors of these functions can be found at
#' developer.mozilla.org:
#' \href{https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/encodeURI}{encodeURI},
#' \href{https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/encodeURIComponent}{encodeURIComponent},
#' \href{https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/decodeURI}{decodeURI},
#' \href{https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/decodeURIComponent}{decodeURIComponent}
#' Intended as a faster replacement for [utils::URLencode()] and
#' [utils::URLdecode()].
#' encodeURI differs from encodeURIComponent in that the former will not encode
#' reserved characters: \code{;,/?:@@&=+$}
#' decodeURI differs from decodeURIComponent in that it will refuse to decode
#' encoded sequences that decode to a reserved character. (If in doubt, use
#' decodeURIComponent.)
#' For \code{encodeURI} and \code{encodeURIComponent}, input strings will be
#' converted to UTF-8 before URL-encoding.
#' @param value Character vector to be encoded or decoded.
#' @return Encoded or decoded character vector of the same length as the
#'   input value. \code{decodeURI} and \code{decodeURIComponent} will return
#'   strings that are UTF-8 encoded.
#' @export
encodeURI <- function(value) {
    .Call('_httpuv_encodeURI', PACKAGE = 'httpuv', value)

#' @rdname encodeURI
#' @export
encodeURIComponent <- function(value) {
    .Call('_httpuv_encodeURIComponent', PACKAGE = 'httpuv', value)

#' @rdname encodeURI
#' @export
decodeURI <- function(value) {
    .Call('_httpuv_decodeURI', PACKAGE = 'httpuv', value)

#' @rdname encodeURI
#' @export
decodeURIComponent <- function(value) {
    .Call('_httpuv_decodeURIComponent', PACKAGE = 'httpuv', value)

#' Check whether an address is IPv4 or IPv6
#' Given an IP address, this checks whether it is an IPv4 or IPv6 address.
#' @param ip A single string representing an IP address.
#' @return
#' For IPv4 addresses, \code{4}; for IPv6 addresses, \code{6}. If the address is
#' neither, \code{-1}.
#' @examples
#' ipFamily("")   # 4
#' ipFamily("500.0.0.500") # -1
#' ipFamily("500.0.0.500") # -1
#' ipFamily("::")          # 6
#' ipFamily("::1")         # 6
#' ipFamily("fe80::1ff:fe23:4567:890a") # 6
#' @export
ipFamily <- function(ip) {
    .Call('_httpuv_ipFamily', PACKAGE = 'httpuv', ip)

invokeCppCallback <- function(data, callback_xptr) {
    invisible(.Call('_httpuv_invokeCppCallback', PACKAGE = 'httpuv', data, callback_xptr))

#' Apply the value of .Random.seed to R's internal RNG state
#' This function is needed in unusual cases where a C++ function calls
#' an R function which sets the value of \code{.Random.seed}. This function
#' should be called at the end of the R function to ensure that the new value
#' \code{.Random.seed} is preserved. Otherwise, Rcpp may overwrite it with a
#' previous value.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
getRNGState <- function() {
    invisible(.Call('_httpuv_getRNGState', PACKAGE = 'httpuv'))

wsconn_address <- function(external_ptr) {
    .Call('_httpuv_wsconn_address', PACKAGE = 'httpuv', external_ptr)

log_level <- function(level) {
    .Call('_httpuv_log_level', PACKAGE = 'httpuv', level)

Try the httpuv package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

httpuv documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:49 a.m.