Man pages for hutilscpp
Miscellaneous Functions in C++

abs_diffAbsolute difference
allNAIs a vector empty?
anyOutsideAre any values outside the interval specified?
are_evenAre elements of a vector even?
as_integer_if_safeCoerce from double to integer if safe
bench_system_timeEvaluate time of computation
character2integerCharacter to numeric
coalesce0Convenience function for coalescing to zero
CommaFaster version of 'scales::comma'
count_logicalCount logicals
cumsum_resetCumulative sum unless reset
diamWhat is the diameter of set of points?
every_intEvery integer
fmatchpParallel fastmatching
hutilscpp-packagehutilscpp: Miscellaneous Functions in C++
is_constantIs a vector constant?
is_sortedIs a vector sorted?
logical3Vectorized logical with support for short-circuits
logical3sComplex logical expressions
match_nrst_haversineMatch coordinates to nearest coordinates
minmaxMinimum and maximum
ModeCMost common element
pmaxCParallel maximum/minimum
poleInaccessibilityFind a binary pole of inaccessibility
range_rcppRange C++
squishSquish into a range
sum_and3sSum of logical expressions
sum_isnaNumber of missing values
unique_fmatchDistinct elements
which3which of three vectors are the elements (all, any) true?
which_firstWhere does a logical expression first return 'TRUE'?
which_firstNAFirst/last position of missing values
whichsSeparated which
which_true_onwardsAt which point are all values true onwards
xor2Exclusive or
hutilscpp documentation built on Oct. 11, 2023, 9:06 a.m.