Man pages for hwep
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium in Polyploids

all_multinomGet every possible non-negative tuple with of a given sum.
ddirmultPMF of Dirichlet-multinomial distribution
dgameteGamete dosage probability
drboundsUpper bounds on rates of double reduction
f1drEstimate Double Reduction in F1 Populations
freqnextUpdate genotype frequencies after one generation
gibbs_glGibbs sampler under random mating using genotype...
gibbs_gl_altGibbs sampler under the alternative of non-random mating...
gibbs_knownGibbs sampler under random mating with known genotypes.
gsegmatSegregation probabilities of gametes
gsegmat_symbSymbolic representation of the segregation probability matrix
hwebootBootstrap procedure to test for equilibrium
hwefitEquilibrium and random mating estimation and testing for many...
hwefreqGenerate HWE genotype frequencies
hwelikeMaximum likelihood approach for equilibrium testing and...
hwenodrTest for HWE in autopolyploids under the assumption of no...
hwep-packageHardy-Weinberg Equilibrium in Polyploids
hweustatU-process minimizer approach to equilibrium testing and...
menbayesglBayes test for F1/S1 genotype frequencies using genotype...
p_from_alphaObtain gamete frequencies at equilibrium given rates of...
qqpvalueQQ-plot for p-values
rmbayesBayes test for random mating with known genotypes
rmbayesglBayes test for random mating using genotype log-likelihoods
rmlikeLikelihood inference for random mating
simglSimulator for genotype likelihoods.
ts_bandsGet simultaneous confidence bands for a uniform QQ-plot
zsegarrayZygote segregation distributions.
zygdistZygote dosage probabilities.
hwep documentation built on May 31, 2023, 9:06 p.m.