Man pages for hwwntest
Tests of White Noise using Wavelets

bartlettB.testBartlett's B test for white noise
compute.rejectionFunction to compute empirical size or power for various tests...
cumperiodCompute cumulative normalized periodogram.
d00.testTest for white noise based on the coarsest scale Haar wavelet...
genwwn.powerplotPlot (approximation) to the theoretical power of the...
genwwn.testWhite noise test using general wavelets.
genwwn.thpowerCompute (approximation) to the theoretical power of the...
hwwn.dwCompute discrete wavelets
hwwn.testPerform a test for white noise on a time series.
hwwntest-packageTests of White Noise using Wavelets
hywavwn.testHybrid wavelet test of white noise.
hywn.testHybrid of Box-Ljung test, Bartlett B test, Haar wavelet and...
MacdonaldCompute the Macdonald density function for a specified...
sqcoefvecCompute coefficients required for approximaing the wavelet...
sqndwdCompute the non-decimated squared wavelet transform.
sqndwdecompBrute-force calculation of the non-decimated squared wavelet...
sqwdCompute expansion with respect to squared wavelets.
hwwntest documentation built on Sept. 13, 2023, 9:06 a.m.