hydrorecipes-package: hydrorecipes: Hydrogeology Steps for the 'recipes' Package

hydrorecipes-packageR Documentation

hydrorecipes: Hydrogeology Steps for the 'recipes' Package


The package provides a few steps for the analysis of water level datasets of moderately size (millions of rows) using the recipes package. It aims to work seamlessly within the tidymodels framework of packages. While the package was designed for water levels and pore-pressures, the steps may be useful in other fields of study. Examples in the introduction focus on barometric pressure and Earth tides, however, the steps may also be applied to precipitation, river stage, ocean tides, and pumping responses.


You can learn about the hydrorecipes package in the vignettes: browseVignettes(package = "hydrorecipes")


Maintainer: Jonathan Kennel jkennel@uoguelph.ca

Other contributors:

  • Beth Parker [thesis advisor]

See Also

Useful links:

hydrorecipes documentation built on June 27, 2022, 9:06 a.m.