Man pages for hyperSMURF
Hyper-Ensemble Smote Undersampled Random Forests

do.random.partitionRandom partition of the data of random folds for cross-validation of folds for cross-validation from predefined...
hyperSMURF.cvhyperSMURF cross-validation
hyperSMURF-packageHyper-Ensemble Smote Undersampled Random Forests
hyperSMURF.testTest of a hyperSMURF model
hyperSMURF.test.threshTest of a thresholded hyperSMURF model
hyperSMURF.trainhyperSMURF training imbalanced data generator
smoteSMOTE oversampling
smote_and_undersampleSMOTE oversampling and undersampling
hyperSMURF documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:20 a.m.