Man pages for hystReet
Get Pedestrian Frequency Data from the 'Hystreet' Project

corona_data_allDownloaded data for the vignette
data_73_74Downloaded data for the vignette
dot-create_hystreet_requestCreate request to Hystreet API
get_hystreet_locationsGet station IDs of the Hystreet project
get_hystreet_station_dataGet data from a specific location from the Hystreet Project...
get_hystreet_statsGet statistics from the Hystreet Project via Hystreet API
location_71Downloaded data for the vignette
locationsDownloaded data for the vignette
ratioDownloaded data for the vignette
read_hystreet_csvRead downloaded data from the hystreet webpage to data.frames
set_hystreet_tokenSet your API token for the Hystreet API
hystReet documentation built on Nov. 27, 2022, 5:05 p.m.