agn | Active Galactic Nuclei |
BIARfit | Fitted Values of BIAR model |
BIARforecast | Forecast from BIAR model |
BIARinterpolation | Interpolation from BIAR model |
BIARkalman | Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the BIAR Model via Kalman... |
BIARphikalman | Minus Log Likelihood of the BIAR Model |
BIARsample | Simulate from a BIAR Model |
CIARfit | Fitted Values of CIAR model |
CIARforecast | Forecast from CIAR model |
CIARinterpolation | Interpolation from CIAR model |
CIARkalman | Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the CIAR Model via Kalman... |
CIARphikalman | Minus Log Likelihood of the CIAR Model |
CIARsample | Simulate from a CIAR Model |
clcep | Classical Cepheid |
cvnovag | ZTF g-band Cataclysmic Variable/Nova |
cvnovar | ZTF r-band Cataclysmic Variable/Nova |
dmcep | Double Mode Cepheid. |
dscut | Delta Scuti |
eb | Eclipsing Binaries (Beta Lyrae) |
foldlc | Plotting folded light curves |
Forecast_iARModels | Forecast from iAR package model's |
gentime | Generating Irregularly spaced times |
harmonicfit | Harmonic Fit to Time Series |
iAR | iAR: Irregularly Observed Autoregressive Models |
IARfit | Fitted Values of IAR model |
IARforecast | Forecast from IAR model |
IARgamma | Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the IAR-Gamma model |
IARgfit | Fitted Values of IAR-Gamma model |
IARgforecast | Forecast from IAR-Gamma model |
IARginterpolation | Interpolation from IAR-Gamma model |
IARgsample | Simulate from an IAR-Gamma Model |
IARinterpolation | Interpolation from IAR model |
IARkalman | Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the IAR Model via Kalman... |
IARloglik | Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the IAR Model |
IARPermutation | Test for the significance of the autocorrelation estimated by... |
IARphigamma | Minus Log Likelihood IAR-Gamma Model |
IARphikalman | Minus Log Likelihood of the IAR Model estimated via Kalman... |
IARphiloglik | Minus Log Likelihood of the IAR Model |
IARphit | Minus Log Likelihood IAR-T Model |
IARsample | Simulate from an IAR Model |
IARt | Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the IAR-T model |
IARTest | Test for the significance of the autocorrelation estimated by... |
IARtinterpolation | Interpolation from IAR-T model |
IARtsample | Simulate from an IAR-T Model |
pairingits | Pairing two irregularly observed time series |
Planets | Transit of an extrasolar planet |
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