Man pages for iCAMP
Infer Community Assembly Mechanisms by Phylogenetic-Bin-Based Null Model Analysis

bmntdbeta mean nearest taxon distance (betaMNTD)
bmntd.bigbeta mean nearest taxon distance (betaMNTD) from big data
bmpdBeta mean pairwise distance (betaMPD)
bNRI.bin.bigCalculate beta net relatedness index (betaNRI) for each...
bNRI.bin.cmCalculate beta net relatedness index (betaNRI) for each...
bNRI.cmCalculate beta net relatedness index with parallel computing...
bNRIn.pCalculate beta net relatedness index with parallel computing
bNTI.bigBeta nearest taxon index (betaNTI) from big data
bNTI.big.cmBeta nearest taxon index (betaNTI) from big data and under...
bNTI.bin.bigCalculate beta nearest taxon index (betaNTI) for each...
bNTI.bin.cmCalculate beta nearest taxon index (betaNTI) for each...
bNTI.cmCalculate beta nearest taxon index (betaNTI) with parallel...
bNTIn.pCalculate beta nearest taxon index (betaNTI) with parallel...
change.sigindexChange significance index option in iCAMP analysis
cohendCohen's d effect size
dist.3colTransform distance matrix to 3-column matrix
dist.bin.3colConvert a list of dist (or matrixes) to a matrix
dnicheCalculate niche difference between species
example.dataA simple example dataset for test
icamp.bigInfer community assembly mechanism by phylogenetic-bin-based...
icamp.binsSummarize iCAMP result in each bin
icamp.bootBootstrapping analysis of icamp results
icamp.cateSummarize iCAMP result for different categories of taxa
icamp.cmInfer community assembly mechanism by phylogenetic-bin-based...
icamp.cm2Phylogenetic-bin-based null model analysis under different...
icamp.outExample output of function icamp.big
iCAMP-packageInfer Community Assembly Mechanisms by Phylogenetic-bin-based...
match.2colCheck the consistency of the first two columns of different...
match.nameCheck and ensure the consistency of IDs in different objects.
maxbigmFind maximum value in a big matrix
midpoint.root.bigMidpoint root a large phylogeny
mntdnMean nearest taxon distance (MNTD)
mpdnMean pairwise distance (MPD)
NRI.cmCalculate net relatedness index (NRI) under multiple...
NRI.pCalculate net relatedness index (NRI) by parallel computing.
NTI.cmCalculate nearest taxon index (NTI) under multiple...
NTI.pCalculate nearest taxon index (NTI) with parallel computing
null.normNormality test for null values
pdist.bigPairwise phylogenetic distance matrix from big tree
pdist.pPairwise phylogenetic distance matrix from small tree
ps.binTest within-bin phylogenetic signal
qp.bin.jsCalculate relative importance of community assembly processes
qpenQuantifying assembly processes based on entire-community null...
qpen.cmQuantifying assembly processes based on entire-community null...
qpen.testSummary and comparison of QPEN results based on bootstrapping
RC.bin.bigcCalculate modified Roup-Crick index based on Bray-Curtis...
RC.bin.cmCalculate modified Roup-Crick index based on Bray-Curtis...
RC.cmModified Raup-Crick index based on Bray-Curtis similarity...
RC.pcModified Raup-Crick index based on Bray-Curtis similarity
snmEstimation of neutral taxa percentae and dispersal rate
taxa.binphy.bigPhylogenetic binning based on phylogenetic tree
tree.drootDistance from root to tip(s) and node(s) on phylogenetic tree
tree.pathList nodes and edge lengthes from root to each tip and/or...
iCAMP documentation built on June 1, 2022, 9:08 a.m.