Man pages for ib
Bias Correction via Iterative Bootstrap

bootstrapParametric bootstrap
coef-Ib-methodMethod for extracting coefficients from an object in class...
effects-Ib-methodMethod for extracting effects from an object in class union...
fitted-Ib-methodMethod for extracting fitted values from an object in class...
getEstAccessor to the object in class union "Ib"
getExtraAccessor to an extra part in class union "Ib"
getIterationAccessor to the object in class union "Ib"
getObjectAccessor to the object in class union "Ib"
ibBias correction via iterative bootstrap
Ib-classAn S4 class union for 'ib'
ibControlAuxiliary for controlling IB
ib-negbin-method'ib' method for 'negbin' object from 'glm.nb' function of...
plot-Ib-ANY-methodMethod for plotting an object in class union "Ib"
predict-Ib-methodMethod for making predictions from an object in class union...
residuals-Ib-methodMethod for extracting residuals from an object in class union...
show-Ib-methodMethod for printing object in class union "Ib"
show-SummaryIb-methodSummarizing a fitted model corrected by the ib procedure
simulationGeneric for simulating from the object
simulation-betareg-methodSimulation for a beta regression
simulation-glm-methodSimulation for a Generalized Linear Model regression
simulation-lmerMod-methodSimulation for linear mixed model regression
simulation-lm-methodSimulation for linear regression
simulation-negbin-methodSimulation for a negative binomial regression
simulation-nls-methodSimulation for nonlinear regression
simulation-vglm-methodSimulation for vector generalized linear model regression
summary-IbBetareg-methodSummarizing a beta regression fit corrected by the iterative...
SummaryIb-classAn S4 class union for 'summary'
summary-IbGlm-methodSummarizing a Generalized Linear Model regression fit...
summary-IbLmer-methodSummarizing a linear mixed model regression fit corrected by...
summary-IbLm-methodSummarizing a linear regression fit corrected by the...
summary-IbNegbin-methodSummarizing a negative binomial regression fits corrected by...
summary-IbNls-methodSummarizing a nonlinear regression fit corrected by the...
summary-IbVglm-methodSummarizing a vector generalized linear model regression fit...
vcov-Ib-methodMethod for calculating covariance matrix from an object in...
ib documentation built on April 5, 2022, 1:13 a.m.