Man pages for ibd
Incomplete Block Designs

A_effA-efficiency of A Binary Incomplete Block Design
A_eff.NNPA-efficiency of A Proper Binary Incomplete Block Design
aov.ibdAnalysis of Variance, Estimated Marginal Means and Contrast...
bibdBalanced Incomplete Block Design for Given Parameters
btibBalanced Treatment Incomplete Block Designs
btib1Balanced Treatment Incomplete Block Designs
btibgenTreatment by Block Incidence Matrix of a BTIB Design
ccmatConcurrence Matrix for Given v, b and k
ccmat_LPConcurrence Matrix for Given v, b and k
check.orthogonalityOrthogonality of Rows of a Given Matrix
check.validity.NNPWhether a Given Matrix is Concurrence Matrix or Not
CmatrixInformation Matrix of a Block Design
D_effD-efficiency of a Binary Incomplete Block Design
design_to_NBlock Design to Treatment by Block Incidence Matrix
do.exist.NBIBExistence of A Nearly Balanced Incomplete Block Design Given...
gg Function
gtsgts Value
ibdBinary Incomplete Block Design for Given v, b and k and...
ibddataData from an Experiment using Incomplete Block Design
ibdgenGenerate a Treatment by Block Incidence Matrix for Given...
ibdtvcIncomplete Block Design for Test vs Control(s) Comparions
interchange.NNPInterchange the Elements of a Concurrence Matrix to Get...
is.connectedConnctedness of a Binary Incomplete Block Design
is.equirEqui-replicateness a Binary Incomplete Block Design
is.orthogonalOrthogonality a Block Design
is.properProper Binary Incomplete Block Design
is.vbVariance Balancedness of a Binary Incomplete Block Design
is.wholenumberWhole Number or Not
LIPLinear Integer Programming Formulation to Update Incidence...
NLIPAn Alternative Approach to Obtain a Block Design with...
N_to_DesignBlock Design from Given Treatment by Block Incidence Matrix
randomizeRandomize a block design
ibd documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:11 p.m.