ibs-package: A short title line describing what the package does

Description Details Author(s) References See Also


Evaluate the integral of a B-spline function, or the B-spline function itself, or the B-spline basis functions.


The function bsbases calculates the values of the B-spline basis functions defined by knots knots and order ord at sites x. The function bspline evaluates the B-spline function defined by knots knots, order ord, and coefficients coef at sites x. The function ibs calculates the integrals of the B-spline function defined by knots knots, order ord, and coefficients coef from the smallest knot to each of the values in x.


Creator: Feng Chen

Maintainer: Feng Chen <feng.chen@unsw.edu.au>


de Boor, C. (2001) A Practical Guide to Splines. Revised Edition. Springer: New York.

See Also


ibs documentation built on May 2, 2019, 11:26 a.m.