Man pages for icaOcularCorrection
Independent Components Analysis (ICA) based artifact correction.

get.peaksGet the time value of one or more peaks.
icacICA noise correction.
icaOcularCorrection-packageIndependent Components Analysis (ICA) based eye-movement...
mwd.thrshMultiple wavelet decomposition thresholding.
plot_avgbaPlot the average waveforms at each channel before and after...
plot_nicPlot an independent component with superimposed noise signal...
plot_trbaPlot the corrected and uncorrected time course at a specific...
plot_tricPlot the time course of an independent component at each...
summary.icacPrint and/or return the correction summary of an "icac"...
topo_icPlot the topographic map of an independent component.
update.icacUpdate the correction performed by function 'icac'.
icaOcularCorrection documentation built on May 29, 2017, 1:53 p.m.