Man pages for icmm
Empirical Bayes Variable Selection via ICM/M Algorithm

get.abHyperparameter estimation for 'a' and 'b'.
get.alphaHyperparameter estimation for 'alpha'.
get.betaObtain model coefficient without assuming prior on structure...
get.beta.isingObtain a regression coefficient when assuming Ising prior...
get.pseudodata.binomialObtain pseudodata based on the binary logistic regression...
get.pseudodata.coxObtain pseudodata based on the Cox's regression model.
get.sigmaStandard deviation estimation.
get.wpostEstimate posterior probability of mixing weight.
get.wpriorMixing weight estimation.
get.zetaLocal posterior probability estimation
get.zeta.isingLocal posterior probability estimation.
icmmEmpirical Bayes Variable Selection
icmm-packageEmpirical Bayes Variable Selection via ICM/M
initbetaBinomialInitial values for the regression coefficients used in...
initbetaCoxInitial values for the regression coefficients used in...
initbetaGaussianInitial values for the regression coefficients used in...
linearrelationLinear structure of predictors
simBinomialSimulated data from the binary logistic regression model
simCoxSimulated data from Cox's regression model
simGaussianSimulated data from the normal linear regression model
icmm documentation built on May 26, 2021, 9:06 a.m.