idbg-package: idbg

Description Details Author(s) See Also


An interactive debugger for R


Package: idbg
Type: Package
Version: 1.0
Date: 2012-01-16
License: GPL-2
LazyLoad: yes

use idbg.bp to set a breakpoint in the debugged function.
Run your code and the debugger will stop at the debugged function

The following debugger options are available:
h - help. print this message
n - next. Empty line is the same as 'n'
s - step into
o - step out
c - continue
q - quit
b - print breakpoints
b FALSE - clear all breakpoints
b <func_name> [FALSE] - set/unset a breakpoint in first line of function
b <line_number> [FALSE] - set/unset a breakpoint in current function
b <func_name> <line_number> [FALSE] - set/unset a breakpoint in function at at line_number
w - print the stack
u - go up the stack
d - go down the stack
l [nlines] - print nlines of source before and after current position
l [nlines_back] [nlines_forward] - print source around current position
x expr - execute expression. Any expression that doesn't match the above options will also be executed


Ronen Kimchi


See Also


idbg documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:32 p.m.