Man pages for idefix
Efficient Designs for Discrete Choice Experiments

aggregate_designDiscrete choice aggregate design.
CEACoordinate Exchange algorithm for MNL models.
DatatransData transformation.
DBerrDB error
DecodeCoded design to readable design.
example_designDiscrete choice design.
example_design2Discrete choice design.
idefix-packageidefix: efficient designs for discrete choice experiments.
ImpsampMNLImportance sampling MNL
LoadDataLoad numeric choice data from directory
ModfedModified Fedorov algorithm for MNL models.
nochoice_designDiscrete choice design with no choice option.
ProfilesProfiles generation.
RespondMNLResponse generation
SeqCEASequential Coordinate Exchange algorithm for MNL model.
SeqKLSequential Kullback-Leibler based algorithm for the MNL...
SeqMODSequential modified federov algorithm for MNL model.
SurveyAppShiny application to generate a discrete choice survey.
idefix documentation built on March 28, 2022, 5:05 p.m.