ifctools: Miscellaneous utils for Italian fiscal codes

ifctoolsR Documentation

Miscellaneous utils for Italian fiscal codes


These package provide tools to deal with fiscal codes: a function to check if the fiscal code is valid (wrong_fc) and another to guess the code given personal data (guess_fc).


Fiscal codes are far from perfect but ubiquitous personal id codes in Italy, especially useful for merge purposes from a data analyst standpoint.

WARNING: provided routines aim to be reasonably good. Unfortunately can't be perfect since, as wikipedia puts it, "On the internet, there are several web sites and software packages that allow one to calculate one's tax code. However, the only official tax code is the one provided by the tax office, which handles cases of identical tax codes (which is a pretty frequent case for people not born in Italy, as in this case the 4-characters town code in the codice fiscale is replace by a 3-digit country code), an arbitrary changing of a tax code, as well as cases where a code is incorrect, but still valid (because provided by the tax office)."

For more info see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_fiscal_code_card.


Maintainer: Luca Braglia lbraglia@gmail.com

See Also

Useful links:

ifctools documentation built on Aug. 28, 2023, 5:08 p.m.