state_year_format3: Country membership to IGO by year

state_year_format3R Documentation

Country membership to IGO by year


Data on IGOs from 1815-2014, at the country-year level. Contains one record per country-year (with years listed at 5 year intervals through 1965, and annually thereafter).


data.frame with 15,557 rows. Relevant fields:

  • ccode: COW country number, see states2016.

  • year: Calendar Year.

  • state: Abbreviated state name, identical to variable names in igo_year_format3.

  • aaaid...wassen: IGO variables containing information on state membership status. See Details.

See Codebook Version 3 IGO Data


Possible value of the status of that state in the IGO are:

Category Numerical Value
No Membership 0
Full Membership 1
Associate Membership 2
Observer 3
Missing data -9
IGO Not In Existence -1

See igo_recode_stateyear() section for an easy way to recode the numerical values into factors.


Raw data used internally by igoR.


Intergovernmental Organizations (v3), The Correlates of War Project (IGO Data Stata Files)


Pevehouse, J. C., Nordstrom, T., McManus, R. W., & Jamison, A. S. (2020). Tracking organizations in the world: The Correlates of War IGO Version 3.0 datasets. Journal of Peace Research, 57(3), 492–503. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1177/0022343319881175")}.

See Also

countrycode::countrycode() to convert between different country code schemes.

Other datasets: igo_recode_igoyear(), igo_year_format3, states2016



igoR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:27 a.m.