Man pages for inTextSummaryTable
Creation of in-Text Summary Table

checkVarCheck if variable(s) are present in reference: either in...
checkVarLabIncludeCheck the 'varLabInclude' variable.
combineCombine objects
combineColTotalCombine the column total for a combined summary table
combine.summaryTableCombine summary statistics table
combineVariablesCreate a data.frame combining a set of records from same or...
computeSummaryStatisticsCompute summary statistics of interest of an unique variable...
computeSummaryStatisticsByRowColVarCompute summary statistics by specified 'rowVar' and 'colVar'
computeSummaryStatisticsTableCompute summary statistics for a specific dataset and...
computeSummaryStatisticsTableTotalCompute summary statistics total table.
convertSummaryStatisticsTableToFlextableConvert summary statistics table to flextable
convertVarFlagConvert flag variable to a format such as only the flagged...
convertVarRowVarColVarToFactorConvert 'rowVar', 'colVar' and character 'var' in 'data' to...
convertVarToFactorWithOrderConvert a variable to a factor with levels in specified...
convertVectToBinaryConvert vector to a bincode of 0/1 based on consecutive...
createFlextableWithHeaderCreate a flextable, setting the column names to syntactic...
cvCompute the percentage coefficient of variation, (in a scale...
exportExport an object
exportFlextableToDocxExport flextable to docx file
exportSummaryStatisticsTableExport a summary table to 'docx', 'pptx' or 'html' format...
exportSummaryStatisticsTableToDTExport summary table to an interactive DT table, e.g. to be...
exportSummaryStatisticsTableToFlextableExport summary table to a flextable object, e.g. to be...
formatCustomFlextableFormat superscript/subscripts/bold cells in a flextable....
formatPercentageFormat a percentage.
formatSummaryStatisticsTableFormat summary statistics table for export
formatSummaryStatisticsTableFlextableMerge nested rows of a summary table for a format compatible...
geomCVCompute geometric coefficient of variation (in a scale from 0...
geomMeanCompute geometric mean.
geomSDCompute geometric standard deviation
geomSECompute geometric standard error of the mean.
getAttributeGet specific attribute from a summaryTable or a list of...
getColorPaletteTableGet color palette for the tables
getDimPageGet dimension of the page available for content for standard...
getListingFormat or create flextable for listings.
getMaxNDecimalsGet maximum number of decimals in a variable, based on...
getMaxNDecimalsDataGet maximum number of decimals in a variable based on the...
getNDecimalsGet number of decimals for a specific vector.
getNDecimalsDataGet number of decimals based on the data in a numeric vector....
getNDecimalsRuleGet number of decimals based pre-defined rule(s).
getPatternPositionGet position(s) (start, end) of a pattern in a string.
getStatisticsSummaryStatisticsTableCompute custom statistics specified by the user.
getStatsGet default set of statistics for one particular variable.
getStatsDataGet default set of statistics for variables of interest and...
getSummaryStatisticsTableGet summary statistics table
interactionCustomCompute the interaction between variable(s), without...
inTextSummaryTableinTextSummaryTable: creation of in-text summary table
inTextSummaryTable-common-argsArguments used across the functions of the inTextSummaryTable...
inTextSummaryTable-DT-argsCommon arguments for the functionalities of the...
inTextSummaryTable-flextable-argsCommon arguments for the functionalities of the...
inTextSummaryTable-statsStatistics in the in-text table package.
inTextSummaryTable-stats-utilityCommon arguments for the for the statistics utility functions...
mergeHeaderColsMerge columns and rows in the header of a flextable object.
pageDimPresentationPage dimension for powerpoints
postProcessVarFlagPost-process the summary statistics table with variable flag.
seCompute standard error of the mean.
smoothPaddingSmooth padding, e.g. remove padding bigger than 1
subjectProfileSummaryPlotPlot subject summary profile.
subjectProfileSummaryTablePlot a table with 'ggplot' of a text variable of interest.
tableColorsPresentationColors for tables in a presentation style
tableColorsReportColors for tables in a report style
uniqueVarWithOrderGet unique variables with meaningful order.
writeTableCustom function to write table to a text file
inTextSummaryTable documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:24 a.m.