combineVariables: Create a data.frame combining a set of records from same or...

View source: R/combineVariables.R

combineVariablesR Documentation

Create a data.frame combining a set of records from same or multiple variables.


This typically converts the data from a wide to a long format. For each variable, a subset of interest based on a condition can be specified.


  labelVars = NULL,
  fctTest = "==",
  includeAll = FALSE,
  labelAll = "Any"



Data.frame with dataset to consider for the summary table.


nested list of parameters, specifying how the records of interest should be selected.
There are two ways to select a subset of interest:

  • by specifying one unique variable of interest with:

    • var: string with column of data of interest

    • value: value of var of interest (only used if var is specified).
      If not specified only the values different than NA and ” are considered.

    • fctTest: string with name or directly comparison function to apply on var to select subset of interest versus value.
      The function should take var as first parameter and value to compare to as second parameter and returns a logical vector with TRUE or FALSE (of length var) if the condition is fullfilled.
      If not specified, the records with var equal to value are retained (fctTest is set to '==').

    • label specification:

      • label: string with label for the condition, includde in the new 'variable' column.
        If not specified and:

        • var is specified: label is extracted from labelVars if available or set to var otherwise.

        • var is not specified: label should be specified.

      • labelExtra: string with extra label, will be concatenated with label

  • by specifying a combination of variable of interest with:

    • exprs: string with expression of columns of data to select subset of interest

    • label: string with complete label for the group


String with name of new variable to construct.


(optional) Named character vector with label for the row, column variable(s) or variable(s) to summarize.
Labels specified via dedicated parameter: e.g. rowVarLab, colVarLab, varLab have priority on this parameter.


Default function to use to compare var and value specified in each sublist of paramsList.
This is only used if fctTest is not specified in each sublist.


Logical, if TRUE (FALSE by default) include also the entire data as an additional subgroup.


String of group label for the entire data in case includeAll is TRUE.


Data.frame with records from data extracted based on the different conditions specified in paramsList.
This data.frame contains an additional variable (labelled based on newVar) mentioning the specific condition for which the record was extracted (based label, labelExtra, labelVars).
This variable is a factor whose levels are ordered based on the order of the condition specified in paramsList.


Laure Cougnaud

inTextSummaryTable documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:24 a.m.