Man pages for inaparc
Initialization Algorithms for Partitioning Cluster Analysis

aldaoudInitialization of cluster prototypes using Al-Daoud's...
ballhallInitialization of cluster prototypes using Ball & Hall's...
crsampInitialization of cluster prototypes using the centers of...
figenInitialization of membership degrees over class range of a...
firstkInitialization of cluster prototypes using the first k...
forgyInitialization of cluster prototypes using Forgy's algorithm
get.algorithmsGet the names of algorithms in 'inaparc'
hartiganwongInitialization of cluster prototypes using Hartigan-Wong's...
imembonesInitialization of a crisp membership matrix using a selected...
imembrandInitialization of membership matrix using simple random...
inaparc-packageInitialization Algorithms for Partitioning Cluster Analysis
inofrepInitialization of cluster prototypes using Inofrep algorithm
inscsfInitialization cluster prototypes using Inscsf algorithm
insdevInitialization of cluster prototypes using Insdev algorithm
is.inaparcChecking the object class for 'inaparc'
kkzInitialization of cluster prototypes using KKZ algorithm
kmppInitialization of cluster prototypes using K-means++...
ksegmentsInitialization of cluster prototypes using the centers of k...
kstepsInitialization of cluster prototypes using the centers of k...
lastkInitialization of cluster prototypes using the last k objects
lhsmaximinInitialization of cluster prototypes using Maximin LHS
lhsrandomInitialization of cluster prototypes using random LHS
maximinInitialization of cluster prototypes using Maximin algorithm
mscseekInitialization of cluster prototypes using the modified SCS...
rsampInitialization of cluster prototypes using simple random...
rsegmentInitialization of cluster prototypes using a randomly...
scseekInitialization of cluster prototypes using SCS algorithm
scseek2Initialization of cluster prototypes using SCS algorithm over...
spaethInitialization of cluster prototypes using Spaeth's algorithm
ssampInitialization of cluster prototypes using systematic random...
topbottomInitialization of cluster prototypes using the top and bottom...
uniquekInitialization of cluster prototypes over the unique values
ursampInitialization of cluster prototypes using random sampling on...
inaparc documentation built on June 16, 2022, 5:09 p.m.