Man pages for incidence2
Compute, Handle and Plot Incidence of Dated Events

accessorsAccess various elements of an incidence object incident object to a data frame to a data.table
as_incidenceCoerce to an incidence object
as_tibble.incidence2Coerce to a tibble
bootstrap_incidenceBootstrap incidence time series
complete_datesComplete dates for all group combinations
covidregionaldataUKRegional data for COVID-19 cases in the UK
cumulateCompute cumulative 'incidence'
estimate_peakEstimate the peak date of an incidence curve
incidenceCompute the incidence of events
incidence_Compute the incidence of events (tidyselect compatible)
incidence2-defunctFunctions now defunct in package incidence2
incidence2-packageincidence2: Compute, Handle and Plot Incidence of Dated...
keepKeep first, last and peak occurences
mutate.incidence2Create, modify, and delete incidence2 columns
nest.incidence2Nest rows into a list-column of data frames
palettesColor palettes used in incidence
plot.incidence2Plot an incidence object
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
regroupRegroup 'incidence' objects
regroup_Regroup 'incidence' objects (tidyselect compatible)
split.incidence2Divide an incidence2 object in to it's implicit groupings
summarise.incidence2Summarise each grouping down to one row
summary.incidence2Summary of an incidence object
incidence2 documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:05 a.m.