Man pages for incidence2
Compute, Handle and Plot Incidence of Dated Events

accessorsAccess various elements of an incidence object incident object to a data frame
as_incidenceCoerce to an incidence object
complete_datesComplete dates for all group combinations
covidregionaldataUKRegional data for COVID-19 cases in the UK
cumulateCompute cumulative 'incidence'
incidenceCompute the incidence of events
incidence2-defunctFunctions now defunct in package incidence2
incidence2-packageincidence2: Compute, Handle and Plot Incidence of Dated...
keepKeep first, last and peak occurences
palettesColor palettes used in incidence
plot.incidence2Plot an incidence object
print.incidence2Print an incidence object.
regroupRegroup 'incidence' objects
s3_registerRegister a method for a suggested dependency
summary.incidence2Summary of an incidence object
incidence2 documentation built on July 9, 2023, 5:35 p.m.