transform.incubate_fit: Transform observed data to unit interval

transform.incubate_fitR Documentation

Transform observed data to unit interval


The transformation is the probability integral transform. It uses the cumulative distribution function with the estimated parameters of the model fit. All available data in the model fit is transformed.


## S3 method for class 'incubate_fit'
transform(`_data`, ...)



a fitted model object of class incubate_fit


currently ignored


The transformed data, either a vector (for single group) or a list with entries x and y (in two group scenario)


This S3-method implementation is quite different from its default method that allows for non-standard evaluation on data frames, primarily intended for interactive use. But the name transform fits so nicely to the intended purpose that it is re-used for the probability integral transform, here.

incubate documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:50 p.m.