Man pages for infer
Tidy Statistical Inference

assumeDefine a theoretical distribution
calculateCalculate summary statistics
chisq_statTidy chi-squared test statistic
chisq_testTidy chi-squared test
deprecatedDeprecated functions and objects
fit.inferFit linear models to infer objects
generateGenerate resamples, permutations, or simulations
get_confidence_intervalCompute confidence interval
get_p_valueCompute p-value
gssSubset of data from the General Social Survey (GSS).
hypothesizeDeclare a null hypothesis
inferinfer: a grammar for statistical inference
observeCalculate observed statistics
print.inferPrint methods
prop_testTidy proportion test
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
rep_sample_nPerform repeated sampling
shade_confidence_intervalAdd information about confidence interval
shade_p_valueShade histogram area beyond an observed statistic
specifySpecify response and explanatory variables
t_statTidy t-test statistic
t_testTidy t-test
visualizeVisualize statistical inference
infer documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:54 a.m.