sites: Site Information

sitesR Documentation

Site Information


Information for sites in the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) monitoring networks, Idaho National Laboratory (INL) and vicinity, Idaho. The monitoring networks at the INL have evolved to their current 2024 schedules of monitoring because groundwater and surface-water sites were installed for various reasons; for example, the need to estimate the volume of the eastern Snake River Plain aquifer, or to document and understand changes in water quality. The USGS compiled the list of sites monitored by the USGS using publications by Knobel and others (2005, table 1) and Bartholomay (2022, table 1). One well site (site no. 425812113271201) was omitted from the dataset because its geographical location falls outside the designated study area.




A simple feature with fields:


Local site name.


USGS station name with all extra spaces removed from text. Extra spaces include leading, trailing and in-between spaces except for a single space character between words.


USGS site identification number.


Latitude/longitude coordinate method code. The codes and their meanings are as follows: "C" is surveyed; "D" is a differentially corrected Global Positioning System (GPS); "G" mapping grade GPS unit (handheld accuracy range 3.7 to 12.2 meters); "L" long range navigation system; "M" interpolated from topographic map; "N" is not surveyed; "S" is a transit, theodolite, or other surveying method; and "X" is not applicable.


Accuracy of latitude/longitude value in seconds.


Elevation of the land surface reference point, in feet above the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88).


Method code for measuring elevation. The codes and their meanings are as follows: "D" is a differentially corrected global positioning system, "L" is a level or other surveyed method, and "M" is interpolated from a topographic map; "N" is interpolated from a Digital Elevation Model; "X" is a GNSS2 - Level 2 Quality Survey Grade Global Navigation Satellite System; and "Y" is a GNSS3 - Level 3 Quality Survey Grade Global Navigation Satellite System.


Accuracy of the elevation value (alt_va), in feet. Does not account for vertical datum shift.


Date the well was completed.


Hydrologic unit code (HUC). Hydrologic units are geographic areas representing part or all of a surface drainage basin or distinct hydrologic feature and are delineated on the Hydrologic Unit Map. The codes and their meanings are as follows: "17040201" is the Idaho Falls watershed; "17040206" is the Portneuf River; "17040209" is the Blackfoot River; "17040214" is Beaver-Camas; "17040215" is the Medicine Lodge Creek; "17040216" is the Big Lost River; "17040217" is the Little Lost River; and "17040218" is Birch Creek.


Reliability code for data available for the site. The codes and their meanings are as follows: "C" is data that have been checked by the reporting agency; "M" is minimal data; and "U" is unchecked data.


National aquifer code where "N600SKRVPB" is the Snake River Plain basin-fill aquifers, and "N600SKRVPV" is the Snake River Plain basaltic-rock aquifers.


Aquifer code defined by the catalog of aquifer names and geologic unit codes used by the Water Mission Area. The codes and their meanings are as follows: "100CNZC" is the Cenozoic Erathem, and "110SKRV" is the Snake River Group.


Aquifer type code. The codes and their meanings are as follows: "C" is a confined single aquifer, "M" is confined multiple aquifers, "U" is an unconfined single aquifer, and "X" is mixed (confined and unconfined) multiple aquifers.


Depth of the finished well, in feet below the land surface datum.


Total depth of the borehole, in feet below the land surface datum.


Source code for depth measurements. The codes and their meanings are as follows: "A" is reported by another government agency, "D" is from driller's log or report, "G" is reported by a private geologist-consultant or university associate, "L" is interpreted from geophysical logs by personnel of source agency, "O" is reported by owner of well, "R" is reported by person other than the owner, driller, or another government agency, "S" is measured by personnel of reporting agency; and "Z" is other source.


Borehole completion code. The codes and their meanings are as follows: "M" is a multilevel completion, "O" is an open hole completion, and "P" is an open hole completion prior to multilevel completion.


Monitoring network code. The codes and their meanings are as follows: "A" is the aquifer-monitoring network, "P" is the perched-groundwater monitoring network, "S" is the surface-water monitoring network.


Position specifier for site-labels on a map. Values of 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively indicate positions below (south), to the left (west) of, above (north), and to the right (east) of the site coordinates.


Date of first record.


Date of last record.


Number of measurments recorded at the site includes either groundwater-level or streamflow measurements.


Number of water-quality samples collected from the site.


Number of replicate samples collected from the site.


Zero-dimensional geometry containing a single point.


USGS site data acquired from the NWIS (U.S. Geological Survey, 2023). The station name (station_nm) for the data was parsed for a more readable name. A borehole completion code (completion_cd), as well as an aquifer monitoring network code (network_cd) were created. A position specifier for site-labels on a map (pos) was also created. The classes of the columns were specified, and any unnecessary columns were removed.


Bartholomay, R.C., 2022, Historical development of the U.S. Geological Survey hydrological monitoring and investigative programs at the Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho, 2002-2020: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2022-1027 (DOE/ID-22256), 54 p., \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.3133/ofr20221027")}.

Knobel, L.L., Bartholomay, R.C., and Rousseau, J.P., 2005, Historical development of the U.S. Geological Survey hydrologic monitoring and investigative programs at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, Idaho, 1949 to 2001: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1223 (DOE/ID-22195), 93 p., \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.3133/ofr20051223")}.

U.S. Geological Survey, 2023, National Water Information System—web services, accessed April 7, 2023, from \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.5066/F7P55KJN")}.



inldata documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 9:34 a.m.