inspect_cor: Tidy correlation coefficients for numeric dataframe columns

View source: R/inspect_cor.R

inspect_corR Documentation

Tidy correlation coefficients for numeric dataframe columns


Summarise and compare Pearson, Kendall and Spearman correlations for numeric columns in one, two or grouped dataframes.


inspect_cor(df1, df2 = NULL, method = "pearson", with_col = NULL, alpha = 0.05)



A data frame.


An optional second data frame for comparing correlation coefficients. Defaults to NULL.


a character string indicating which type of correlation coefficient to use, one of "pearson", "kendall", or "spearman", which can be abbreviated.


Character vector of column names to calculate correlations with all other numeric features. The default with_col = NULL returns all pairs of correlations.


Alpha level for correlation confidence intervals. Defaults to 0.05.


When df2 = NULL, a tibble containing correlation coefficients for df1 is returned:

  • col_1, co1_2 character vectors containing names of numeric columns in df1.

  • corr the calculated correlation coefficient.

  • p_value p-value associated with a test where the null hypothesis is that the numeric pair have 0 correlation.

  • lower, upper lower and upper values of the confidence interval for the correlations.

  • pcnt_nna the number of pairs of observations that were non missing for each pair of columns. The correlation calculation used by inspect_cor() uses only pairwise complete observations.

If df1 has class grouped_df, then correlations will be calculated within the grouping levels and the tibble returned will have an additional column corresponding to the group labels.

When both df1 and df2 are specified, the tibble returned contains a comparison of the correlation coefficients across pairs of columns common to both dataframes.

  • col_1, co1_2 character vectors containing names of numeric columns in either df1 or df2.

  • corr_1, corr_2 numeric columns containing correlation coefficients from df1 and df2, respectively.

  • p_value p-value associated with the null hypothesis that the two correlation coefficients are the same. Small values indicate that the true correlation coefficients differ between the two dataframes.

Note that confidence intervals for kendall and spearman assume a normal sampling distribution for the Fisher z-transform of the correlation.


A tibble summarising and comparing the correlations for each numeric column in one or a pair of data frames.


# Load dplyr for starwars data & pipe

# Single dataframe summary
# Only show correlations with 'mass' column
inspect_cor(starwars, with_col = "mass")

# Paired dataframe summary
inspect_cor(starwars, starwars[1:10, ])

# NOT RUN - change in correlation over time
# library(dplyr)
# tech_grp <- tech %>% 
#         group_by(year) %>%
#         inspect_cor()
# tech_grp %>% show_plot()     

inspectdf documentation built on Aug. 9, 2022, 9:05 a.m.