Man pages for instruments
Estimate Regression Models with Instrumental Variables

diagnoseDiagnose problems with iv models.
family.ivmModel family for ivm
find_instrumentsInternal function for identifying instruments
invlogitInverse logit function
iv.glmEstimate generalized linear models with an instrumental...
iv.lmEstimate linear regression models with an instrumental...
model.frame.ivmModel frame for ivm
model.matrix.ivmModel matrix for ivm
nobs.ivmNumber of observations in ivm model
plot.ivmPlot ivm model
predict.ivmMake predictions from ivm model
print.ivmModel print for ivm
residuals.ivmGet residuals from ivm model
subscriptionsData on customer spending, subscriptions, and churn.
summary.ivmModel summary for ivm
variable.names.ivmGet variables in ivm model
instruments documentation built on Nov. 16, 2018, 5:03 p.m.