Man pages for inti
Tools and Statistical Procedures in Plant Science

colortextColourise text for display in the terminal
design_norepsExperimental design without replications
design_repblockExperimental design in CRD and RCBD
figure2qmdFigure to Quarto format
figure2rmdFigure to Rmarkdown format
footnotesFootnotes in tables
gdoc2qmdGoogle docs to Rmarkdown
H2calBroad-sense heritability in plant breeding
include_pdfInclude PDF in markdown documents
include_tableTable with footnotes
jc_tombolaJournal Club Tombola
mean_comparisonMean comparison test
metSwedish cultivar trial data
metamorphosisTransform fieldbooks based in a dictionary
outliers_removeRemove outliers
plot_diagDiagnostic plots
plot_diagnosticDiagnostic plots
plot_rawPlot raw data
plot_smrPlot summary data
potatoWater use efficiency in 15 potato genotypes
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
remove_outliersRemove outliers using mixed models
split_folderSplit folder
table2qmdTable to Quarto format
table2rmdTable to Rmarkdown format
tarpuyInteractive fieldbook designs
tarpuy_designFieldbook experimental designs
tarpuy_plexFieldbook plan information
tarpuy_plotdesignFieldbook plot experimental designs
tarpuy_traitsField book traits
web_tableHTML tables for markdown documents
yupanaInteractive data analysis
yupana_analysisFieldbook analysis report
yupana_exportGraph options to export
yupana_importImport information from data summary
yupana_mvrMultivariate Analysis
yupana_reshapeFieldbook reshape
inti documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:04 p.m.