Man pages for iotools
I/O Tools for Streaming

asoutputCharacter Output
chunkFunctions for very fast chunk-wise processing
chunk.applyProcess input by applying a function to each chunk
chunk.mapMap a function over a file by chunks
ctapplyFast tapply() replacement functions
default.formatterDefault formatter, coorisponding to the as.output functions
dstrfwSplit fixed width input into a dataframe
dstrsplitSplit binary or character input into a dataframe
fdrbindFast row-binding of lists and data frames
idstrsplitCreate an iterator for splitting binary or character input...
imstrsplitCreate an iterator for splitting binary or character input...
input.fileLoad a file on the disk
line.mergeMerge multiple sources
mstrsplitSplit binary or character input into a matrix
output.fileWrite an R object to a file as a character string
readAsRawRead binary data in as raw
read.csv.rawFast data frame input
which.min.keyDetermine the next key in bytewise order
write.csv.rawFast data output to disk
iotools documentation built on July 23, 2021, 9:07 a.m.