Man pages for ipfr
List Balancing for Reweighting and Population Synthesis

adjust_factorApplies an importance weight to an ipfr factor
balance_secondary_targetsBalances secondary targets to primary
check_geo_fieldsCheck geo fields
check_missing_categoriesCheck for missing categories in seed
check_tablesCheck seed and target tables for completeness
compare_resultsCompare results to targets
create_target_priorityCreate a named list of target priority levels.
ipfRe-weight a Seed Table to Marginal Controls
ipfripfr: A package to perform iterative proportional fitting
ipuIterative Proportional Updating
ipu_matrixBalance a matrix given row and column targets
ipu_nrIterative Proportional Updating (Newton-Raphson)
process_seed_tableHelper function to process a seed table
scale_targetsScale targets to ensure consistency
setup_arizonaCreate the ASU example
synthesizeCreates a synthetic population based on ipu results
ipfr documentation built on April 2, 2020, 1:12 a.m.