Man pages for iplots
iPlots - Interactive Graphics for R

iablineAdd a straight line to the current iPlot.
ibarInteractive Bar Chart
iboxInteractive Box Plot
ievent.waitInteractive events
ihammockInteractive Hammock Plot
ihistInteractive Histogram
ilinesAdd connected lines or polygon to the current iPlot.
imapInteractive Map
imosaicInteractive Mosaic Plot
iobj.listInteractive objects (iObjects) management functions.
iobj.optModify parameters of an iObject
ipcpInteractive Parallel Coordinates Plot
iplotInteractive Scatterplot
iplot.dataRetireve data from a plot.
iplot.listInteractive plots management functions.
iplot.manipiPlot manipulation functions
iplot.optModify parameters of an interactive plot
irasterAdd a bitmap (raster) image to the current iPlot.
isetiSet and iVar - managing data in iPlots
iset.colSet color of cases in an iSet.
iset.listiSet management functions.
iset.selectedSelection / linked highlighting
itextAdd text to the current iPlot.
ivarData (ivar) manipulation functions
iplots documentation built on May 1, 2022, 5:08 p.m.