Introduction to jdx: Java Data Exchange for R and rJava"

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
# The conversion tables have been copied from mapping.xlsx and converted to R character matrices.
rdata.tables <- "introduction-tables.RData"

Java Data Exchange for R

The jdx package builds on Simon Urbanek's rJava package to simplify and extend data exchange between R and Java. The jdx package was originally developed to provide data exchange functionality for the jsr223 package, a high-level scripting interface for the Java platform. We provide jdx to developers who may want to extend existing rJava solutions. Developers of new applications are encouraged to use jsr223 for rapid application development with a relatively low learning curve.

The jdx package converts R data structures to generic Java objects and vice versa. In particular, R vectors, n-dimensional arrays, factors, data frames, tables, environments, and lists are converted to Java objects. Java scalars and n-dimensional arrays are converted to R vectors and n-dimensional arrays. Java maps and collections are converted to R lists, data frames, vectors, or n-dimensional arrays depending on content. Several options are available for data conversion including various ordering schemes for arrays and data frames.

For those familar with the technical details of rJava, here are two important notes to consider. First, the jdx package behavior diverges from rJava for raw values and Java types byte and java.lang.Byte. Please see R raw Values and Java byte Values for more information. Second, jdx does not use or load rJava's companion package JRI (the Java/R Interface).


The jdx package requires Java 8 Standard Edition or above. The current version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) can be determined by executing java -version from a system command prompt. Java 8 is denoted by version 1.8.x_xx. The JRE can be obtained from Oracle's web site. Select the architecture (32 or 64 bit) that matches your R installation.

The jdx package runs on a standard installation of R (e.g., the R build option --enable-R-shlib is not required).

Install jdx with the usual command: install.packages("jdx"). This command will automatically download and install rJava if necessary. If the rJava installation fails, make sure R is configured to use Java. For Linux/OSX, execute sudo R CMD javareconf in a terminal. For Windows, open a command prompt "As Administrator" and execute R CMD javareconf. If there are errors after executing the Java configuration command, address the errors, then execute the command again. One common error can be resolved by determining whether the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) is accessible. To check for GCC, execute gcc --help from a terminal. This command will fail if GCC is not installed or if the license agreement has not been accepted.

Primary Functions

This section demonstrates the three primary functions in jdx: convertToJava(), convertToR(), and getJavaClassName(). In our example, we use a simple 2 x 3 matrix:

m1 <- matrix(1:6, 2, 3)

Next, we load the jdx library and use convertToJava() to convert the R matrix to a two-dimensional Java array. The return value of the function is an rJava reference object that points to the new Java object. The getJavaClassName() function returns the class name of the Java object. In this case, the class name is [[I, Java's shorthand for a two-dimensional integer array.

o <- convertToJava(m1)

The object reference can be used as a parameter for any rJava method. Here, we use rJava::.jcall() to invoke the static method java.util.Arrays.deepToString(). This method returns a string representation for multi-dimensional arrays. Its first parameter expects a one-dimensional array of java.lang.Object, so we cast our reference before calling deepToString(). The output reveals that convertToJava() uses row-major ordering by default when converting arrays. Other ordering options are available.

o <- rJava::.jcast(o, "[Ljava/lang/Object;")
rJava::.jcall("java/util/Arrays", "S", "deepToString", o)

Finally, we convert the Java array back to an R matrix using convertToR(). The last line shows that the result is identical to the original R matrix.

m2 <- convertToR(o)
identical(m1, m2)

Converting R Objects to Java Objects

The jdx package provides a single function, convertToJava(), to handle conversion for all R objects. This design facilitates dynamically-typed programming. Consider, for example, an overloaded Java method setValue() that has different method signatures for a wide variety of data types and structures. If we use rJava::.jcall(object, "V", "setValue", convertToJava(value)) to call setValue(), the Java method with the correct signature is automatically selected based on the return value of convertToJava().

The convertToJava() function provides several data conversion parameters:

  value, = FALSE, = FALSE,
  array.order = "row-major",
  data.frame.row.major = TRUE,
  coerce.factors = TRUE

The parameters and control if and how length one vectors are converted to Java scalars. The parameter array.order affects the data ordering of n-dimensional arrays. The parameter data.frame.row.major specifies whether data frames are converted using row-major or column-major order. Finally, coerce.factors determines whether an attempt should be made to coerce the character vector backing factors to double, int, or boolean Java arrays. The following sections cover each of these topics in detail as well as data conversion rules and behaviors.

NOTE: The convertToJava() function preserves only column names when copying R data frames to Java objects: not row names. Neither column nor row names are preserved when copying n-dimensional arrays to Java objects.

NOTE: The convertToR() function is not thread-safe. Do not simultaneously call convertToR() from different threads in the same process. A thread-safe alternative is presented in the R documentation for convertToRlowLevel().

R Vectors of Length One # {#r_vectors_of_length_one}

The parameters and control how R vectors of length one are converted to Java objects. If = TRUE, length-one vectors are converted to Java arrays. This is equivalent to passing an R vector to rJava::.jarray(). The "As Is" R function, base::I(), can also be used to indicate that a length-one vector should be converted to a Java array. For example, convertToJava(I(1)) produces a Java array even though the default value for is FALSE. The I() function has no effect for other R object structures.

If = FALSE (the default), length-one vectors are considered scalar values. If is also FALSE (the default), convertToJava() will return the original R vector instead of creating a Java object for numeric, integer, logical, and character length-one vectors. rJava requires these structures to indicate Java double, int, boolean, and String method parameters, respectively. If the R vector type is raw, convertToJava() returns an object of class jbyte to notify rJava that the value should be converted to a Java byte scalar. (See the documentation for rJava::.jbyte().)

If = FALSE and = TRUE, length-one vectors will be converted to so-called boxed scalars. That is, numeric, integer, logical, raw, and character vectors of length one are converted to java.lang.Double, java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Boolean, java.lang.Byte, and java.lang.String objects, respectively.

The following two tables detail the behavior of convertToJava() for length-one vectors when = FALSE.

# load(rdata.tables)
# Highlight and copy the appropriate section in mapping.xlsx before executing the next line
# <- mt(9, 4, what = character(), = FALSE)
# file.remove(rdata.tables)
# save.image(file = rdata.tables)
  , split.cells = c("0%", "20%", "20%", "20%", "40%")
  , split.table = 200
  , justify = "left"
  , caption = "`convertToJava()` behavior for length-one vectors when ` = FALSE` and ` = FALSE`"
  , emphasize.strong.rows = 1

# load(rdata.tables)
# Highlight and copy the appropriate section in mapping.xlsx before executing the next line
# <- mt(9, 4, what = character(), = FALSE)
# file.remove(rdata.tables)
# save.image(file = rdata.tables)
  , split.cells = c("0%", "20%", "20%", "20%", "40%")
  , split.table = 200
  , justify = "left"
  , caption = "`convertToJava()` behavior for length-one vectors when ` = FALSE` and ` = TRUE`"
  , emphasize.strong.rows = 1

R Vectors, One-dimensional Arrays, and One-dimensional Tables

The convertToJava() functionality for vectors, one-dimensional arrays, and one-dimensional tables is summarized in the table below. In this case, convertToJava() is the same as rJava::.jarray() with one exception: convertToJava() raises a warning when the logical value NA is replaced with FALSE.

# load(rdata.tables)
# Highlight and copy the appropriate section in mapping.xlsx before executing the next line
# r2j.vectors <- mt(9, 4, what = character(), = FALSE)
# file.remove(rdata.tables)
# save.image(file = rdata.tables)
  , split.cells = c("0%", "20%", "20%", "20%", "40%")
  , split.table = 200
  , justify = "left"
  , caption = "`convertToJava()` behavior for vectors, one-dimensional arrays, and one-dimensional tables"
  , emphasize.strong.rows = 1

R Factors # {#r_factors}

R factors are comprised of a character vector of levels and an integer vector of indexes that reference the levels. For example, if the integer vector 5:7 is converted to a factor, the levels will be c("5", "6", "7") and the indexes will be c(1L, 2L, 3L). The coerce.factors parameter for convertToJava() determines how the factor levels are handled when converting the factor to a vector before it's converted to a Java array. If coerce.factors = TRUE (the default), an attempt is made to coerce the factor levels to integer, numeric, or logical values. If coercion fails, the character levels are used. If coerce.factors = FALSE, the character levels are always used. Once the factor is converted to a vector, the conversion to Java follows the same mapping behavior as vectors.

NA values present in factors are preserved. The character literal "NA" is not coerced to the constant NA.

R Matrices and N-dimensional Arrays # {#r_n_dimensional_arrays}

The jdx package supports data exchange for matrices and other n-dimensional arrays. Three ordering schemes are available via the convertToJava() parameter array.order: 'row-major', 'column-major', and 'column-minor'. These settings control how the destination Java array is constructed.

Before describing the ordering schemes, it is helpful to think of n-dimensional arrays as collections of smaller structures. A one-dimensional array (a vector) is a collection of scalars. A two-dimensional array (a matrix) is a collection of one-dimensional arrays representing either rows or columns of the matrix. A three-dimensional array (a rectangular prism or cube) is a collection of matrices. A four-dimensional array is a collection of cubes, and so forth.

Now we describe the each of the array.order options. We use the notation [row][column][matrix]...[n] to mean that, for a given array, the row index (within a column) comes first, followed by the column index (within a matrix), followed by the matrix index (within a cube), etc.

NOTE: If an R array is converted to Java using a particular array order, use the same array order when converting it back from Java to R. Otherwise, the data will be in the wrong order.

R supports empty multidimensional structures that cannot always be reproduced exactly in Java. Consider an R matrix with one row and zero columns: m <- array(0, c(1, 0)). If this matrix is converted to Java using row-major order, the resulting array is {{}}: a structure with one empty row. The convertToR() function can convert this array back to the same R matrix exactly. However, if the matrix is converted using column-major order the resulting array is {} because there are zero column structures. The convertToR() function will convert this array back to an R matrix of array(0, c(0, 0)).

The following table shows how convertToJava() maps n-dimensional R structures to Java structures.

# load(rdata.tables)
# Highlight and copy the appropriate section in mapping.xlsx before executing the next line
# r2j.arrays <- mt(9, 4, what = character(), = FALSE)
# file.remove(rdata.tables)
# save.image(file = rdata.tables)
  , split.cells = c("0%", "20%", "20%", "20%", "40%")
  , split.table = 200
  , justify = "left"
  , caption = "`convertToJava()` behavior for n-dimensional arrays and tables"
  , emphasize.strong.rows = 1

R Data Frames # {#r_data_frames}

The data.frame.row.major parameter of the convertToJava() function specifies whether data frames are converted using row-major or column-major form. When data.frame.row.major = TRUE (the default), the result is an ArrayList<LinkedHashMap<String, Object>> object where each map object represents a row in the data frame. The key/value pairs in each map are the names and scalar values associated with each field in the row. The row values follow the same conversion rules as vectors of length one when = FALSE and = TRUE.

When data.frame.row.major = FALSE, convertToJava() creates a LinkedHashMap<String, Object> object. In this case, the key/value pairs represent column names and data. The column data are converted to primitive Java arrays using the same rules as R vectors.

NOTE: The jdx package uses row-major ordering by default because of its popularity. However, column-major structures are much faster to create and they often present a performance advantage for calculations.

Row names for data frames are not preserved during conversion. To include row names in the conversion, simply add them as a column in your data frame. We do not automatically include row names in conversion because it would require us to create an additional element in the Java map with a reserved key value such as _row. Instead, we leave the decision of how to handle row names to the developer.

R Lists and Environments

The jdx package supports data exchange for lists, named lists, nested lists (i.e., lists containing other lists), and environments. Lists can contain any jdx-supported R object. The convertToJava() function converts R lists to Java ArrayList<Object> objects. It converts named lists and environment objects to Java LinkedHashMap<String, Object> objects. The ArrayList and LinkedHashMap objects implement the Java Collection and Map interfaces, respectively. These interfaces are ubiquitous in the Java API.

NOTE: If lst is an R list, convertToR(convertToJava(lst)) may not result in a list in some cases. See Conversion Issues for details.

Converting Java Objects to R Objects

The jdx function javaToR() is used to convert generic Java objects to R objects. Java scalars, arrays, maps, and collections are supported. Providing data exchange for maps and collections extends application integration capabilities considerably because a large number of Java classes expose these interfaces. For example, virtually every list, set, and queue object in the standard Java API implements the Collection interface.

NOTE: Java collections and maps are converted to a variety of R objects depending on content. See the related sections below for conversion rules.

All of the primitive Java data types and their object (i.e. boxed) counterparts are supported (e.g. int and java.lang.Integer). In addition, jdx supports java.lang.String, java.math.BigDecimal, and java.math.BigInteger.

The convertToR() function provides two data conversion parameters:

  value, = NULL,
  array.order = "row-major"

The parameter determines whether string arrays are converted to factors in data frames. See Java Maps for more information about the three possible options. The array.order parameter behaves the same way as in the convertToJava() function. See R Matrices and N-dimensional Arrays for a description of the array.order options.

Java Scalars

The convertToR() function converts Java scalars to length-one R vectors. Scalars of java.math.BigDecimal and java.math.BigInteger have arbitrary precision. When values of these types overflow R's numeric precision, Inf (infinity) is returned.

# load(rdata.tables)
# Highlight and copy the appropriate section in mapping.xlsx before executing the next line
# j2r.scalars <- mt(12, 4, what = character(), = FALSE)
# file.remove(rdata.tables)
# save.image(file = rdata.tables)
  , split.cells = c("0%", "20%", "20%", "20%", "40%")
  , split.table = 200
  , justify = "left"
  , caption = "`convertToR()` behavior for Java scalars"
  , emphasize.strong.rows = 1

Java One-dimensional Arrays and N-dimensional Rectangular Arrays # {#java_arrays}

The convertToR() function converts one-dimensional Java arrays to R vectors and it converts n-dimensional rectangular Java arrays to n-dimensional R arrays. The array.order parameter controls how the data are ordered when copying from Java to R. The possible array.order options are described as follows. (For a more detailed discussion, see R Matrices and N-dimensional Arrays.)

NOTE: If an R array is converted to Java using a particular array order, use the same array order when converting it back from Java to R. Otherwise, the data will be in the wrong order.

R supports empty multidimensional structures that cannot always be reproduced exactly in Java. Consider an R matrix with one row and zero columns: m <- array(0, c(1, 0)). If this matrix is converted to Java using row-major order, the resulting array is {{}}: a structure with one empty row. The convertToR() function can convert this array back to the same R matrix exactly. However, if the matrix is converted using column-major order the resulting array is {} because there are zero column structures. The convertToR() function will convert this array back to an R matrix of array(0, c(0, 0)).

If an object array contains null, it is replaced by the appropriate R NA value or a constant. See the following table for details.

# load(rdata.tables)
# Highlight and copy the appropriate section in mapping.xlsx before executing the next line
# j2r.arrays <- mt(13, 4, what = character(), = FALSE)
# file.remove(rdata.tables)
# save.image(file = rdata.tables)
  , split.cells = c("0%", "20%", "20%", "20%", "40%")
  , split.table = 200
  , justify = "left"
  , caption = "`convertToR()` behavior for one-dimensional Java arrays and n-dimensional Java arrays"
  , emphasize.strong.rows = 1

Java Ragged Arrays

Java n-dimensional arrays whose subarrays of a given dimension are not the same dimension are known as ragged arrays. Ragged arrays cannot be converted to R arrays. The convertToR() function translates ragged arrays to lists of the appropriate object. For example, a matrix containing subarrays of different lengths will be converted to an R list of vectors. Likewise, a three-dimensional array containing two matrices of different dimensions will be converted to an R list of matrices.

Java Maps # {#java_maps}

The convertToR() function attempts to convert Java objects implementing the Map interface to named lists or data frames. The map keys must be string values. If the map contains multiple same-length arrays, or same-length collections that can be converted to arrays, the map will be converted to a data frame. Otherwise, the object will be converted to a named list.

NOTE: Nashorn JavaScript objects are handled as Java Map objects. Hence, JavaScript objects can easily be converted to R named lists or data frames.

The parameter of the convertToR() function controls whether string arrays are automatically converted to factors when creating a data frame. When = TRUE, string arrays will be converted to factors. If = FALSE, the string arrays are converted to character vectors. If set to NULL, the behavior follows default.stringsAsFactors() for R < 4.1.0, and is set to FALSE otherwise.

Java Collections # {#java_collections}

Java objects implementing the Collection interface can be converted to vectors, n-dimensional arrays, data frames, and unnamed lists. Conversions rules are delineated in the table below. Many of these rules arise from the fact that JavaScript arrays are implemented as collections. Hence, jdx attempts to make collections behave as arrays wherever possible. (Remember, jdx was developed primarily for jsr223, a high-level scripting interface for Java and R.) This is also natural for Java programmers accustomed to switching between array-based and collection-based APIs.

The convertToR() parameters array.order and behave the same way for objects converted from collections as they do elsewhere. See R Matrices and N-dimensional Arrays for a description of the array.order parameter. Refer to Java Maps for details relating to

# load(rdata.tables)
# Highlight and copy the appropriate section in mapping.xlsx before executing the next line
# j2r.collections <- mt(10, 4, what = character(), = FALSE)
# file.remove(rdata.tables)
# save.image(file = rdata.tables)
  , split.cells = c("0%", "20%", "20%", "20%", "40%")
  , split.table = 200
  , justify = "left"
  , caption = "`convertToR()` behavior for Java objects implementing the `java.util.Collection` interface"
  , emphasize.strong.rows = 1

Conversion Issues # {#conversion_issues}

The jdx data exchange functions use standard R and Java objects instead of custom classes for maximum compatibility. In some cases, it is not possible to know for certain what the intended target data structure should be. For example, should a collection of Java arrays be converted to an R list of vectors or a matrix? This section highlights conversion rules related to ambigous data structures. Developers who discover that convertToJava() and convertToR() are not always perfect inverses of each other will find the information here particularly useful.

Unnamed R Lists

If lst is an R list, convertToR(convertToJava(lst)) may not result in a list. If lst is an unnamed list, convertToJava(lst) creates an object whose class implements java.util.Collection. However, convertToR() does not always create an unnamed list when it encounters a Java collection. There are several reasons for this, some of which are mentioned in Java Collections. We consider several cases below where an R list may be converted to Java, and then back to R, with unexpected results.

NOTE: Many of the common conversion issues related to unnamed lists can be avoided by using named lists.

A list of scalars (i.e., length-one vectors) converted to Java will be converted back to R as a vector if the data types are considered compatible. See the conversion table in Java Collections for data types that are considered compatible. In the following example, a list containing numeric, integer, and raw values, are converted to a Java collection containing double, int, and byte values, respectively. The Java collection is converted back to R as a numeric vector because these number types are considered compatible.

lst <- list(1.1, 2L, as.raw(3))
(o <- convertToJava(lst))
(r <- convertToR(o))

In contrast, the list in the next example will be converted back to R as a list because the types are not considered compatible.

lst <- list(1.1, "a")
(o <- convertToJava(lst))
(r <- convertToR(o))

A list of compatible n-dimensional arrays will be converted back to R as an (n + 1)-dimensional array. (Note that vectors and factors are considered 1-dimensional arrays.) As with scalars, structures of mixed number types will assume the most generic number data type. This code returns a numeric matrix:

lst <- list(c(1, 2), c(3L, 4L))
(o <- convertToJava(lst, array.order = "column-major"))
(r <- convertToR(o, array.order = "column-major"))

Similarly, this next example results in numeric 3-dimensional array.

# This example results in a three-dimensional array.
lst <- list(matrix(1:4, 2, 2), matrix(5:8, 2, 2))
(o <- convertToJava(lst, array.order = "column-major"))
convertToR(o, array.order = "column-major")

Perhaps the most unexpected result is when a single-member list is converted back to R as a vector or array. In this case, a nested list becomes a matrix:

lst <- list(list(1))

Unnamed lists containing named lists of scalars will be converted to a data frame if the names are all the same and the data types are compatible.

lst <- list(
  list(field1 = "a", field2 = 1),
  list(field1 = "b", field2 = 2)

All of the conversion issues illustrated above can be avoided by using named lists in place of unnamed lists. For example, this list will remain a list.

lst <- list(a = 1.1, b = 2L, c = as.raw(3))

Named R Lists

Named R lists have fewer ambiguity issues than unnamed lists. The only exception applies to data frames. A named list of same-length vectors is converted to a Java map of arrays. This structure will be converted back to R as a data frame if it contains two or more arrays. The following example illustrates this behavior.

lst <- list(col1 = 1:3, col2 = letters[1:3])

A named list of length-one vectors is converted to a Java map of scalars by default. However, if = TRUE, the object is converted to a map of arrays. This results in a data frame when converted back to R.

lst <- list(col1 = 1, col2 = "a")
lst <- list(col1 = 1, col2 = "a")
convertToR(convertToJava(lst, = TRUE))

R Data Frames

Data frames are converted to Java maps of arrays when data.frame.row.major = FALSE. If there is only one column in the data frame, the Java object will be converted back to R as a named list containing a single vector. This behavior does not apply to data frames converted to Java using data.frame.row.major = TRUE (the default).

df <- data.frame(col1 = 1:3)
convertToR(convertToJava(df, data.frame.row.major = FALSE))

R raw Values and Java byte Values # {#R_raw_Java_byte}

The jdx package converts R raw values to Java byte values and vice versa. R raw values and Java byte values are both 8 bits, but they are interpreted differently. R raw values range from 0 to 255 (i.e., unsigned bytes). Java byte values range from -128 to 127 (i.e., signed bytes). The 8-bit value 0xff represents 255 in R, but is -1 in Java. Usually this discrepancy is not an issue because raw and byte values are used to store and transfer binary data such as images. If the human-readable values are important, use integer vectors and int Java arrays instead.

The jdx package handles raw vectors and Java byte values differently than rJava in some cases. The differences are detailed below, but the general idea is that jdx is consistent in converting R raw values to Java byte values and vice versa for all data structures.

The rJava package interprets length-one raw values as Java byte arrays by default. The rJava::.jbyte() function is required to indicate that a length-one raw vector should be treated as a byte scalar. In jdx, length-one raw vectors are marked as Java byte scalars by default. To override this behavior, use convertToJava(value, = TRUE) or convertToJava(I(value)).

By default, rJava converts Java byte and java.lang.Byte scalars to length-one integer vectors. The jdx package converts these scalar types to length-one raw vectors.

Finally, when the jdx package converts a java.lang.Byte array to a raw vector, it replaces null with 0x00 and raises a warning.

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jdx documentation built on July 2, 2020, 2:12 a.m.