Template Syntax

  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

This vignette describes the template syntax supported by jinjar, following the structure of the Jinja Template Designer Documentation. It is designed to act as a reference when writing templates.

The jinjar R package is powered by the inja C++ library. The syntax is very similar to that of the Jinja Python package, but there are also many differences. Unfortunately, this means jinjar is not a drop-in replacement for Jinja -- you might need to adapt existing Jinja templates for the jinjar engine.

The most fundamental difference between jinjar and Jinja is:

This is described in more detail in the Variables section below.

Before starting, let's create a few R objects for rendering example templates.


# length-1 vector
title <- "My Webpage"

# vector
users <- c("User A", "User B", "User C")

# list
godzilla <- list(
  Name = "Godzilla",
  Born = 1952,
  Birthplace = "Japan"

# data frame
navigation <- data.frame(
  caption = c("Home", "Blog"),
  href = c("index.html", "blog.html")

# HTML special characters
name <- 'Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson'
params <- list(
  title = title,
  users = users,
  godzilla = godzilla,
  navigation = navigation,
  name = name


A jinjar template is simply a text file, and when rendered the output is also a text file (e.g. HTML, SQL, LaTeX).

A template contains variables and/or expressions, which get replaced with values when a template is rendered; and tags, which control the logic of the template.

Below is a minimal template that illustrates a few basics using the default jinjar configuration. We will cover the details later in this document:

```{jinjar, data=params, engine.opts=list(lang="html")} <!DOCTYPE html> {{ title }}

{# a comment #}

The following example shows the default configuration settings, but you can adjust the syntax configuration as desired using `jinjar_config()`.

There are a few kinds of delimiters. The default delimiters are configured as follows:

* `{% ... %}` for [Statements](#control-structures)
* `{{ ... }}` for [Expressions](#expressions) to print to the template output
* `{# ... #}` for [Comments](#comments) not included in the template output

[Line Statements](#line-statements) are also possible, though they don’t have default prefix characters.
To use them, set `line_statement` when creating the `jinjar_config()`.

## Variables {#variables}

When writing a template, we refer to variables that act as data placeholders.
We define their values when rendering the template.

Although we pass R objects to `render()`, it is helpful to understand that these are encoded as JSON objects before the template is rendered.

| R object        | JSON object      | Template example  |
| Length-1 vector | Scalar           | `{{ foo }}`       |
| Vector          | Array            | `{{ foo.1 }}`     |
| List            | Object           | `{{ foo.bar }}`   |
| Data frame      | Array of objects | `{{ foo.1.bar }}` |

You can use dot (`.`) notation to access data nested within a variable.
An array element is accessed by its numeric **zero-based** index (e.g. `foo.1`) and an object value is accessed by its key (e.g. `foo.bar`).

**Note:** In R, the dot is a valid character in an object name (e.g. `my.data`).
However, this causes ambiguity when accessing nested data values.
For this reason, each dot is replaced with an underscore when the data is encoded as JSON (e.g. `my.data` becomes `my_data`).

**Note:** In R, a scalar is indistinguishable from a length-1 vector.
This creates an ambiguity when passing R data to the template, because template variables support both scalars and arrays.
You can explicitly pass a length-1 vector as an array using the `I()` operator (see `help("render")`).

The double-brace syntax is used to print the value of the variable (e.g. `{{ foo }}`).
To use the variable in other contexts (e.g. control structures), then these braces are omitted (e.g. `{% for bar in foo %}`).

If a template variable has not been defined, then an error occurs.
However, you can use the `default(foo, bar)` function to specify a fallback value.

## Comments {#comments}

To comment-out some lines, preventing them from appearing in the rendered document, use the comment syntax (default: `{# ... #}`).
This is useful for debugging or documenting the template.

Hello{# TODO: update this #}!

Whitespace Control {#whitespace}

In the default configuration, whitespace (e.g. spaces, tabs, newlines) is left unchanged in the rendered output. For example, in the default configuration we get:

```{jinjar, engine.opts=list(lang="html")}

{% if true %} yay {% endif %}

By setting `trim_blocks = TRUE` when creating the `jinjar_config()`, the first newline after a control block is automatically removed.
Setting `lstrip_blocks = TRUE` removes any whitespace from the beginning of the line until the start of each block.
With both options enabled, the above example becomes:

```{jinjar, engine.opts=list(lang="html", config=jinjar_config(trim_blocks=TRUE, lstrip_blocks=TRUE))}
    {% if true %}
    {% endif %}

Instead of changing the global configuration, you can manually trim whitespace at a more finegrained level.

This can be activated for control blocks, comments, or variable expressions:

```{jinjar, engine.opts=list(lang="html")}

{% if true -%} yay {%- endif -%}

## Line Statements {#line-statements}

If line statements are enabled (see `jinjar_config()`), it’s possible to mark a line as a statement.
For example, if the line statement prefix is configured to `#`, you can do:

```{jinjar, data=params, engine.opts=list(lang="html", config=jinjar_config(line_statement="#"))}
<ul id="navigation">
# for item in navigation
    <li><a href="{{ item.href }}">{{ item.caption }}</a></li>
# endfor

Control Structures {#control-structures}

A control structure refers to all those things that control the flow of a program. With the default syntax, control structures appear inside {% ... %} blocks.


A for-loop allows you to iterate over each element in a vector:

```{jinjar, data=params, engine.opts=list(lang="markdown")} {% for user in users -%} {{ loop.index1 }}. {{ user }} {%- endfor -%}

or loop over key-value pairs in a named list:

```{jinjar, data=params, engine.opts=list(lang="html")}
{% for key, value in godzilla %}
  <dt>{{ key }}</dt>
  <dd>{{ value }}</dd>
{% endfor -%}

As described in Variables, a data frame is translated to an array of JSON objects. Therefore a nested combination of the above two loops could theoretically be used. In practice, it is much more common to iterate over rows and access the individual elements by their attributes:

```{jinjar, data=params, engine.opts=list(lang="html", config=jinjar_config(line_statement="#"))}

While inside a for-loop block, you can access some special variables:

| Variable        | Description |
| `loop.index`    | The current iteration (0-based). |
| `loop.index1`   | The current iteration (1-based). |
| `loop.is_first` | True if first iteration. |
| `loop.is_last`  | True if last iteration. |
| `loop.parent`   | In nested loops, the parent loop variable. |

### If

Conditional branches are written using `if`, `else if` and `else` statements, which evaluate [Expressions](#expressions).

```{jinjar, data=params, engine.opts=list(lang="markdown")}
{% if length(users) > 5 -%}
{% for user in users -%}
* {{ user }}
{% endfor %}
{% else if length(users) > 0 -%}
{{ join(users, ", ") }}.
{% else -%}
No users found.
{% endif %}


Using the set statement, you can assign values to variables.

{% set name="world" -%}
Hello {{ name }}!


The extends tag can be used for template inheritance. See Template Inheritance in vignette("auxiliary-templates").


The include tag inserts the rendered contents of an auxiliary template. See Template Inclusion in vignette("auxiliary-templates").

Expressions {#expressions}

Basic expressions are supported in templates.


The simplest form of expressions are literals, which represent fixed values.

As described in Variables, the template is rendered using data stored in JSON format. For this reason, literals must also be specified in JSON format. The following types of literals are supported:

Here is example usage for each type:

String: {{ "A string" }}
Integer: {{ 3 }}
Numeric: {{ 3.14 }} or {{ 1.6e-19 }}
Boolean: {{ true }} or {{ false }}
List: {{ [1, 2, 3] }}
Object: {{ {"a": 1, "b": 2} }}
Null: {{ null }}


You can perform simple arithmetic using standard operators:

1 + 1: {{ 1 + 1 }}
3 - 2: {{ 3 - 2 }}
2 * 2: {{ 2 * 2 }}
1 / 2: {{ 1 / 2 }}
2 ^ 3: {{ 2 ^ 3 }}
7 % 3: {{ 7 % 3 }}


You can perform comparisons:

1 == 1: {{ 1 == 1 }}
1 != 1: {{ 1 != 1 }}
2 >  1: {{ 2 > 1 }}
2 >= 1: {{ 2 >= 1 }}
2 <  1: {{ 2 < 1 }}
2 <= 1: {{ 2 <= 1 }}


Within expressions and control structures, you can use the Boolean operators: and, or, and not.

true and false: {{ true and false }}
true or false: {{ true or false }}
not false: {{ not false }}

You can also check if a value is contained within a list using in:

{{ 1 in [1, 2, 3] }}


Data Checks

You can check if a value exists by passing the variable name as a string:

```{jinjar, data=params} users does exist: {{ exists("users") }} abc doesn't exist: {{ exists("abc") }}

Similarly, you can check if a value exists within a JSON object, by passing the key as a string:

```{jinjar, data=params}
Birthplace does exist: {{ existsIn(godzilla, "Birthplace") }}
Weight doesn't exist: {{ existsIn(godzilla, "Weight") }}

Concisely handle missing values using the default() function:

```{jinjar, data=params} {{ default(godzilla.Weight, 20000) }}

You can also check the data type of a variable or literal:

{{ isString("a string") }}
{{ isInteger(3) }}
{{ isFloat(3.14) }}
{{ isNumber(3) }} and {{ isNumber(3.14) }}
{{ isBoolean(false) }}
{{ isArray([1, 2, 3]) }}
{{ isObject({"a": 1, "b": 2}) }}

Data Conversion

You can convert strings to numeric types, using the int() or float() functions:

{{ int("2") }}
{{ float("2.5") }}

HTML Escaping {#html-escaping}

When generating HTML from templates, there’s always a risk that a variable will include characters that affect the resulting HTML. The special characters are: <, >, & and ".

In jinjar, it's your responsibility to manually escape variables, using the escape_html() function. You should escape variables that might contain any of the special characters. But if a variable is trusted to contain well-formed HTML, then it should not be escaped (otherwise you could accidentally double-escape the content).

```{jinjar, data=params, engine.opts=list(lang="html")}

### SQL Quoting {#sql-quoting}

SQL databases expect string literals to be wrapped in single-quotes, while other types of literals (e.g., numbers) are not quoted.
This is cumbersome to achieve when writing a template, so the `quote_sql()` function provides this functionality.

**Important:** `quote_sql()` does not provide any protection against SQL injection attacks.

```{jinjar, data=params, engine.opts=list(lang="sql")}
WHERE title = {{ quote_sql(title) }} AND year = {{ quote_sql(godzilla.Born) }}

When passed an array, quote_sql() will quote each element and return a comma-separated list. This is particularly helpful when using the SQL IN operator.

```{jinjar, data=params, engine.opts=list(lang="sql")} WHERE user IN ({{ quote_sql(users) }})

### Numeric Data

You can check if an integer is even or odd, or divisible by some other integer.
This could be used to make alternating row colors.

{{ even(42) }}
{{ odd(42) }}
{{ divisibleBy(42, 7) }}

You can round floating point numbers to a specific precision:

{{ round(3.1415, 0) }}
{{ round(3.1415, 3) }}

String Data

Translate a string to lower case or upper case:

{{ lower("Hello") }}
{{ upper("Hello") }}

Escape special characters for use in HTML content (see HTML Escaping):

```{jinjar, data=params, engine.opts=list(lang="html")}

Quote string data for use as string literals in a SQL query (see [SQL Quoting](#sql-quoting)):

```{jinjar, data=params, engine.opts=list(lang="sql")}
WHERE user IN ({{ quote_sql(users) }})

JSON Lists

Get the number of list elements:

length(): {{ length([3,1,2]) }}

Get the first or last elements:

first(): {{ first([3,1,2]) }}
last():  {{ last([3,1,2]) }}

Get the minimum or maximum elements:

min(): {{ min([3,1,2]) }}
max(): {{ max([3,1,2]) }}

Sort the list into ascending order:

sort(): {{ sort([3,1,2]) }}

Join a list with a separator:

```{jinjar, data=params} {{ join([1,2,3], " + ") }} {{ join(users, ", ") }}

Generate a list as a range of integers:

{% for i in range(4) %}{{ loop.index1 }}{% endfor %}

Access elements using a dynamic index with at(). Note that the index is zero-based.

{% set x = [1,2,3] -%}
{% set i = 2 -%}
{{ x.2 }}
{{ at(x, i) }}

JSON Objects

Access values using a dynamic key with at():

{% set x = {"a": 1, "b": 2} -%}
{% set key = "b" -%}
{{ x.b }}
{{ at(x, key) }}

Try the jinjar package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

jinjar documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 5:37 p.m.