Man pages for jlctree
Joint Latent Class Trees for Joint Modeling of Time-to-Event and Longitudinal Data

data_timeinvA simulated dataset with time-invariant longitudinal outcome...
data_timevarA simulated dataset with time-varying longitudinal outcome...
get_lrtComputes the likelihood ratio test statistic.
get_node_valComputes the test statistic at the current node.
get_waldComputes the Wald test statistic.
jlctreeFits Joint Latent Class Tree (JLCT) model.
jlctree.controlSets the control parameters for 'jlctree'.
jlctree-packageFits Joint Latent Class Tree (JLCT) model.
prune_treePrunes an 'rpart' tree to have the desired number of nodes.
surveDefines the evaluation function for a new splitting method of...
surviDefines the initialization function for a new splitting...
survsDefines the splitting function for a new splitting method of...
jlctree documentation built on April 15, 2021, 5:06 p.m.