
# Generated by roxytest: Do not edit by hand!

context("File R/replace_field.R: @testexamples")

test_that("Function replace_field_journal() @ L26", {
  csvpath <- system.file("extdata", "myabbr.csv", package = "journalabbr", mustWork = TRUE)
  abbrtable_user <- add_abbrtable(file = csvpath, header = FALSE, sep = ";")
  file <- system.file("extdata", "testfile_2.bib", package = "journalabbr", mustWork = TRUE)
  dt <- read_bib2dt(file)
  newdt <- replace_field_journal(dt, abbrtable_user)
  newdt1 <- replace_field_author(dt, author.connect = "and")
  newdt2 <- replace_field_author(dt, author.connect = "&")
  expect_true(is.data.table(newdt) && is.data.table(newdt1) &&  is.data.table(newdt2))

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journalabbr documentation built on Aug. 9, 2022, 5:05 p.m.