Man pages for kernDeepStackNet
Kernel Deep Stacking Networks

calcTrACalculates the trace of the hat matrix
calcTrAFastCalculates the trace of the hat matrix as C version
calcWdiagCalculation of weight matrix
cancorRedCalculate first canonical correlation
crossprodRcppCalculates the cross product of a matrix
devStandardPredictive deviance of a linear model
EImodExpected improvement criterion replacement function
fineTuneCvKDSNFine tuning of random weights of a given KDSN model
fitEnsembleKDSNFit an ensemble of KDSN (experimental)
fitKDSNFit kernel deep stacking network with random Fourier...
fourierTransPredictPrediction based on random Fourier transformation
gDerivMuDerivative of the link function evaluated at the expected...
getEigenValuesRcppCalculates the eigenvalues of a matrix
kernDeepStackNet_crossprodRcppCalculates the cross product of a matrix
kernDeepStackNet_getEigenValuesRcppCalculates the eigenvalues of a matrix
kernDeepStackNet-packageKernel deep stacking networks with random Fourier...
lossApproxKernel deep stacking network loss function
lossCvKDSNKernel deep stacking network loss function based on...
lossGCVGeneralized cross-validation loss
lossSharedCvKDSNKernel deep stacking network loss function based on...
lossSharedTestKDSNKernel deep stacking network loss function with test set and...
mbo1dEfficient global optimization with iterative point proposals
mboAllEfficient global optimization inclusive meta model validation
optimize1dMultiOne dimensional optimization of multivariate loss functions
predict.KDSNPredict kernel deep stacking networks
predict.KDSNensemblePredict kernel deep stacking networks ensembles...
predict.KDSNensembleDiskPredict kernel deep stacking networks ensembles...
predLogProbPredictive logarithmic probability of Kriging model
randomFourierTransRandom Fourier transformation
rdcPartRandomized dependence coefficient partial calculation
rdcSubsetRandomized dependence coefficients score on given subset
rdcVarOrderVariable ordering using randomized dependence coefficients...
rdcVarSelSubsetVariable selection based on RDC with genetic algorithm...
robustStandardRobust standardization
tuneMboLevelCvKDSNTuning of KDSN with efficient global optimization given level...
tuneMboLevelGcvKDSNTuning of KDSN with efficient global optimization given level...
tuneMboSharedCvKDSNTuning of KDSN with efficient global optimization given level...
tuneMboSharedSubsetKDSNTuning subsets of KDSN with efficient global optimization and...
varMuVariance function evaluated at expected value
kernDeepStackNet documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:16 a.m.