Man pages for kinfit
Routines for Fitting Kinetic Models to Chemical Degradation Data

DFOPDouble First-Order in Parallel kinetics
FOCUS_2006_ADataset A from the FOCUS Kinetics report from 2006
FOCUS_2006_BDataset B from the FOCUS Kinetics report from 2006
FOCUS_2006_CDataset C from the FOCUS Kinetics report from 2006
FOCUS_2006_DDataset D from the FOCUS Kinetics report from 2006
FOCUS_2006_DFOP_ref_A_to_BResults of fitting the DFOP model to Datasets A to B of FOCUS...
FOCUS_2006_EDataset E from the FOCUS Kinetics report from 2006
FOCUS_2006_FWater sediment study dataset F from the FOCUS Kinetics report...
FOCUS_2006_FOMC_ref_A_to_FResults of fitting the FOMC model to Datasets A to F of FOCUS...
FOCUS_2006_HS_ref_A_to_FResults of fitting the HS model to Datasets A to F of FOCUS...
FOCUS_2006_SFO_ref_A_to_FResults of fitting the SFO model to Datasets A to F of FOCUS...
FOMCFirst-Order Multi-Compartment kinetics
HSHockey-Stick kinetics
kinerrminCalculate the minimum error to assume in order to pass the...
kinfitFit kinetic models to chemical degradation data
kinobjectCreates list representing a kinetic experiment or trial
kinobjectsCreates list of objects, each representing a kinetic...
kinplotCreates a plot of the kinetic fits
kinreportCreates a report of the kinetic fits
kinresplotCreates a plot of the residual for specified kinetic fits
kinresultsFunction to collect useful results for a set of fitted...
kinwrite.KinGUIFunction to write KinGUI input files from kinetic data
SFOSingle First-Order kinetics
kinfit documentation built on May 30, 2017, 4:59 a.m.